Let me get this straight. Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and Newt Gingrich are going to go after Hillary because of her husband's infidelity. These guys? REALLY??
Women of America, this is how much leading Republicans hate you
More: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/trump-good-marital-history
Trump Not Worried About His Marriages Coming Up: 'I Have A Very Good History'
[NB: Men born without the irony gene, apparently.]

More: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/29/us/politics/alicia-machado-presidential-race.html
With the Clinton campaign’s help, Ms. Machado has gone on a publicity blitz since Mrs. Clinton told her story on the debate stage at Hofstra University. This explosion of interest is the combination of a political attack that resonates with two key constituencies for Mrs. Clinton — suburban women and Hispanics — and a made-for-television battle between the Republican nominee for president and a beauty queen. In 48 hours, Ms. Machado has been written about in more than 150 print news articles, referred to on TV more than 6,023 times and mentioned on Twitter nearly 200,000 times. She appeared on NBC’s “Today” show, ABC’s “Good Morning America,” CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Univision and Telemundo. . . .
More iron(y) deficiencies
Buncha white guys sittin' around talkin' about wimminn gettin' fat
All-white Fox News panel: birtherism isn’t about race.
Miss Australia backs up Machado
“He said to me, ‘Suck your stomach in. Suck your gut in.’ He always wanted us to be sexy,” said Jodi Seal, Miss Australia in the 1996 Miss Universe pageant, the same year that Machado won the title while representing Venezuela. “He was calling some girls some pretty horrible names as well,” she recounted. Calling Trump a “Mussolini-” grade tyrant who regularly mocked women about their bodies . . .
Trumpy lashes out at Machado again, says she has a "sex tape." I won't link here to the many nude and erotic photos Trump's wife Melania has made. I don't care that she has -- but I do care about hypocrisy
Suddenly, post-Ailes, the women of Fox World are taking on Trump's sexism
Trump says he is just too high-minded to traffic in slimy stories about Bill's infidelities. His son gets choked up about what a fine and principled stand this is. So Trump directs his proxies to shop the stories instead
The Donald Trump campaign has circulated a memo telling surrogates to bring up Bill Clinton's sex scandals . . .
More: http://www.salon.com/2016/09/29/republicans-beg-donald-trump-to-shut-up-about-monica-lewinsky-as-trump-threatens-to-bring-her-up/
Republicans beg Donald Trump to shut up about Monica Lewinsky, as Trump threatens to bring her up
Trump's advisors are trying very hard to get through to him that he blew the debate and has to prepare better in the few days he has before the next one. So much that they were willing to leak it to the press. It still hasn't gotten through to him
“Donald Trump is angry that his aides and advisers have conceded to reporters — largely without attribution — that the Republican nominee struggled in his first presidential debate,” CNN reports.
“Why would we change if we won the debate?”
— Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, quoted by the Associated Press, on whether Donald Trump would change his tactics for the next debate.
Wait, wait -- why are you complaining if you WON? The incoherent mixed messages of the Trump team
Trump: Debate Was "Rigged"
Civil War In The Trump Camp! Should Trump 'Prepare' For Debate Two?
Trump's 12 worst moments of the debate: http://crooksandliars.com/2016/09/donald-trumps-12-big-moments-lost-debate
A bit silly, but clever
"Super Careless, Fragile Ego, Extra Braggadocious"
Trumpy knows he blew it by admitting he doesn't pay taxes. Now he's scrambling desperately to deny what he said
More: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/has-donald-trump-paid-federal-taxes-or-not
Perhaps now would be a good time to note that “That makes me smart” and “That would make me smart” are not the same sentences.
"Some people loved that statement, and other people didn't. But the fact is that I think people are looking at it like maybe that's the kind of person we need. ... I think that's the kind of thinking we need in our country."
Trump Company Violated Cuba Embargo
More: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/09/29/1575920/-Trump-s-campaign-manager-confirms-that-he-broke-the-law-by-seeking-investments-in-Cuba
He didn't do it, and even if he did, it was too long ago!
New York AG widens probe of Trump Foundation violations
And now even more: https://politicalwire.com/2016/09/29/trump-foundation-not-allowed-solicit-money/
“Donald Trump’s charitable foundation — which has been sustained for years by donors outside the Trump family — has never obtained the certification that New York requires before charities can solicit money from the public, according to the state attorney general’s office,” the Washington Post reports.
Republicans block investigations into Trump's ties to Russia and efforts to hack the election

Sam Clovis, Donald Trump’s national policy adviser and campaign co-chair, said Monday before the debate that voters don’t care about policy specifics and would be “bored to tears” by them. . . .
When the epitaph is written for the Trump campaign, one thing that will be clear is that he never surrounded himself with people who would really challenge him and force him to change his ways -- and he wouldn't listen when they tried
Someone has studied philosophy!
The question of what Donald Trump “really believes” has no answer. It is a category error. . . [read on]
Theocracy watch
Trump Asks Iowa Crowd If He Should Let Non-Christians Stay At Rally
You can read back from Trumpy's daily conspiracy nonsense to guess where he is getting his "information"
Kellyanne has a very rough day
Megyn Kelly Destroys Kellyanne Conway's Defense Of Trump's Misogyny
More: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/megyn-kelly-kellyanne-conway-trump-women
Kellyanne Conway Refers To Trump's 'Abuse..Er, Record On Women'
‘The View’ Corners Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway: ‘Don’t B.S. a B.S.-er’
You can tell a lot about their spin messages by which surrogate they roll out to deliver them. For a long time they tasked Hurricane Katrina with the heavy lifting for the most outrageous BS, but now it's Betsy McCaughey -- she'll say ANYTHING
Trump Ally: Actually, Hillary Clinton Body-Shamed Girls In Anti-Trump Ad
CNN has been utterly irresponsible in the Corey Lewandowski case. Now they tell us everything is fine because he's not being paid by Trump . . . ANY MORE
CNN: Ex-Donald Trump aide Corey Lewandowski is no longer being paid by his campaign
It's fine now, the Trump campaign's paid him in advance!
Then why is he still parroting the campaign's talking points? http://crooksandliars.com/2016/09/trump-does-business-cuba-lewandowski
You don't have to look very deep to see where these folks are coming from
Republican gun club raffles AR-15, ammo—and picture of Hillary
Election updates
Is Ohio No Longer a Battleground?
Russia Actively Trying to Undermine the U.S. Election
Why No One Should Vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein
USA Today doesn't endorse candidates. Never has. Until now
This year, the choice isn’t between two capable major party nominees who happen to have significant ideological differences. This year, one of the candidates — Republican nominee Donald Trump — is, by unanimous consensus of the Editorial Board, unfit for the presidency. From the day he declared his candidacy 15 months ago through this week’s first presidential debate, Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he lacks the temperament, knowledge, steadiness and honesty that America needs from its presidents. . . .
In other news . . .
More trouble for Obamacare
Five senate seats the Dems need to flip
Yeah, you know who you are!
Why women swear more than men at work
Bonus item: Sam Bee provides a woman's take on the debate. Watch both!
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