Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Why Clinton is going to win

19 states and the District of Columbia have voted for a Democrat in the last six presidential contests. These alone account for 242 electoral votes — a mere 28 short of the 270 needed to win the presidency.  By comparison, the 13 states which voted Republican in the last six elections contain 102 electoral votes. . . .

Trumpy's electoral map is ridiculous


More: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/05/26/1530371/-It-s-not-just-Latinos-Donald-Trump-is-also-driving-Asian-Americans-toward-the-Democratic-Party
It's not only Latinos: Donald Trump is also driving Asian Americans toward the Democratic Party
You know that I don't take polls about the fall very seriously right now. But here are the trends

“Here’s what you should know, but may not be hearing clearly in the political reporting: Mrs. Clinton is clearly ahead, both in general election polls and in Electoral College projections based on state polls. It’s true that her lead isn’t as big as it was before Mr. Trump clinched the G.O.P. nomination, largely because Republicans have consolidated around their presumptive nominee, while many Sanders supporters are still balking at saying that they’ll vote for her.”

“The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Hillary Clinton with a narrow three-point lead over Donald Trump, 46 percent to 43 percent. But if Bernie Sanders were out of the race the NBC News political unit estimates her lead would likely be much larger, perhaps up around eight points, 51 percent to 43 percent.”

Still, it's going to be harder than it needs to be

Hillary Clinton vs. Herself

Hillary Clinton is not very good at running for president. In the end, it probably won’t matter.

The question of the moment

What does it mean to 'clinch the nomination' when superdelegates are involved? 

Bernie's platform demands


How can ANYONE take this nonsense seriously?

[Trump] "Politicians have used you and stolen your votes. They have given you nothing. I will give you everything. I will give you what you've been looking for to 50 years. I'm the only one."

Trump's record on labor: http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2016/05/more-trump-populism.html

Bill Kristol has some news

"Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance."

Bill Kristol must be destroyed!

[Trump] "Bill Kristol has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser . . .If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!"

More: https://politicalwire.com/2016/05/30/trump-keeps-attacking-for-no-apparent-reason/
“During his first big campaign swing since locking up the Republican presidential nomination, Trump went after an odd and seemingly random group of people — Democrats and Republicans, famous and obscure. There seemed little to gain politically from the attacks, and his targets were linked by just one thing: Trump felt they had all done him wrong.” [read on]
Bonus item: Twitter wars

Trump supporters launched a plan to use fake Twitter accounts to pit Bernie and Clinton fans against each other. It didn’t really work, but that doesn’t mean it won’t in the future. . . .

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I don’t get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don’t run ads, etc.). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a “mission,” it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***

Monday, May 30, 2016


Memorial Day: It Is All About Honoring and Remembering

Why Memorial Day is different from Veterans Day

What Trumpy says in public -- and what he truly plans to do

Donald Trump supposedly told House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) he supports cutting Social Security but will not admit it publicly because it would hurt his election chances . . .

The Trump campaign declares war on the whole Clinton FAMILY


When you get right down to it, Trumpy is a thin-skinned whiner. Like a lot of bullies, he can dish it out, but not take it. What would it mean to have someone who holds grudges and resentments like this man does, in charge of the nation, the military, and foreign policy?

Donald Trump could have taken a victory lap last week. Instead, he went on a grudge tour.  During his first big campaign swing since locking up the Republican presidential nomination, Trump went after an odd and seemingly random group of people — Democrats and Republicans, famous and obscure. There seemed little to gain politically from the attacks, and his targets were linked by just one thing: Trump felt they had all done him wrong. . . 

Well, Obama did it -- Trumpy can do it too

Trump May Accept Nomination at a Stadium 

Being fair to Bernie

Take a look at what Bernie has been doing lately. He's demanded more representation on the platform committee. He's objected to a couple of committee chairs. He's remarked that he hopes Hillary chooses a vice president who's not in thrall to Wall Street.  This is exactly what Sanders should be doing. . . . [read on]

More: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-israel-democrats-20160527-snap-story.html
Bernie Sanders moves toward a fight over Israel, forcing Hillary Clinton to navigate a splintered party 

Advice for Hillary

Hillary Clinton Has a Shouting Problem

Does Hillary Clinton face a different standard for honesty?

A three party race? Will the Libertarian party, with two GOP governors, be the alternative for anti-Trump Republicans?


More: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/mary-matalin-republicans-libertarians-johnson-223694

A four party race? Could Bernie backers go Green?


Louie, Louie


Kathleen Parker is one of the worst columnists -- but now she outdoes herself


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I don’t get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don’t run ads, etc.). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a “mission,” it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Trumpy, who said he was going to self-fund his campaign so he wouldn't be beholden to the Establishment, now says, "Help me, Establishment! My campaign is running out of money!"


More: https://politicalwire.com/2016/05/28/trump-camp-concedes-its-low-on-money/


Trumpy's management style

“For the past two months, Donald Trump has presided over a political team riddled with turf wars, staff reshuffling and dueling power centers,” the Washington Post reports. “But the tensions are more than typical campaign chaos: They illustrate how Trump likes to run an organization, whether it’s a real estate venture or his presidential bid. Interviews with current and former Trump associates reveal an executive who is fond of promoting rivalries among subordinates, wary of delegating major decisions, scornful of convention and fiercely insistent on a culture of loyalty around him.”

More bad news

A federal judge has ordered the release of internal Trump University documents in an ongoing lawsuit against the company, including “playbooks” that advised sales personnel how to market high-priced courses on getting rich through real estate. . . .

More: https://politicalwire.com/2016/05/28/trump-attacks-judge-in-trump-university-case/
“In one of his most personal attacks against an apolitical figure since becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump delivered an extended tirade about the federal judge overseeing the civil litigation against his defunct education program,” the Wall Street Journal reports. [read on]

“I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He’s a hater. His name is Gonzalo Curiel,” Trump told the crowd. “I think Judge Curiel should be ashamed of himself.” . . . Trump also said he believes Curiel is "Mexican." The crowd -- which had previously shouted "build that wall" -- booed loudly. [read on]

Trumpy says there's no drought in California


Really? http://www.vox.com/2016/5/28/11802608/lake-mead-shrinkage-NASA

The F word

Rise of Donald Trump Tracks Growing Debate Over Global Fascism

I am still pretty confident that a majority of Americans won't buy Trumpy's con game -- but Hillary's not making me feel any better about it


More: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/2016-election-hillary-clinton-campaign-loses-defeated-donald-trump-213924

Bernie has more demands for the DNC -- and the DNC says no



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I don’t get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don’t run ads, etc.). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a “mission,” it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***

Saturday, May 28, 2016


So much for that Trump-Sanders debate. Another reversal from Trumpy. Did he not know yesterday when he said he WANTED to do it that Sanders was the Democratic runner-up? 

Yesterday: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-bernie-sanders-debate_us_574746c2e4b03ede44143d26
 “I’d love to debate Bernie, he’s a dream,” Trump said during a press conference Thursday. 

Today: http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/05/donald-trump-backs-out-of-debate-with-bernie-sanders-223674
"Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and Crooked Hillary Clinton and Deborah Wasserman Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher," Trump said. 

Trumpy's tendency to blurt out colorful insults and unvetted opinions is why his base loves him. But now that he's an actual candidate for president, it's going to hurt him


Here's an example: http://www.vox.com/2016/5/27/11794970/donald-trump-energy-gullibility

If you are running on your credentials as a businessman, your first qualification should be that you hire great people and oversee a tight, efficient operation. But the Trump campaign is a dysfunctional mess. What kind of president would that make him?




I am speechless

One of the dumber pundit cliches is that Trump is "running to the left" of Clinton on foreign policy, who is supposedly more hawkish than he is. What a load of crap


Five Republican cowards who condemned Trump, but now think he'd make a just fine president (Marco, your table is ready!)


Trump misses the good old days when protesters could get beaten up with impunity

“Oh, I love the old days, you know? You know what I hate? There's a guy, totally disruptive, throwing punches, we're not allowed to punch back anymore. I love the old days, you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out in a stretcher, folks. Oh, it's true."

"The Good Old Days"  http://crooksandliars.com/2016/05/must-watch-donald-trump-and-good-old-days 

A Trump supporter

Victor Vizcarra, 48, of Los Angeles, said he would much prefer Mr. Trump to Mrs. Clinton. Though he said he disagreed with some of Mr. Trump’s policies, Mr. Vizcarra said he had watched “The Apprentice” and expected that a Trump presidency would be more exciting than a “boring” Clinton administration.  “A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in,” said Mr. Vizcarra, who works in information technology. “There is going to be some kind of change, and even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody.”

This is going to be fun: if GOPers are going to embrace Trump, make them pay


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I don’t get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don’t run ads, etc.). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a “mission,” it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***

Friday, May 27, 2016


What an interview with Trump's campaign manager. So many astonishing admissions in one place

"You don’t change Donald Trump. You don’t ‘manage’ him."
   ---- Paul Manafort 

Democrats and many Republicans have hammered Trump on his call to bar Muslims from entering the U.S. until some unspecified future time when he deems it safe to do so.  “He’s already started moderating on that,” Manafort said. “He operates by starting the conversation at the outer edges and then brings it back towards the middle. Within his comfort zone, he’ll soften it some more.”

“I will be surprised if he puts them out. I wouldn’t necessarily advise him to. It’s not really an issue for the people we are appealing to. His tax returns are incredibly complicated. I wouldn’t understand them, so how are the American people going to? . . .The only people who want the tax returns are the people who want to defeat him.”

“Does he know enough? Yes, because he knows he has more to learn. And he is constantly doing that.” Trump doesn’t read briefing papers, but he is a magnet for information, Manafort said. “He reads the newspapers, and he talks on the phone and to office visitors in a never-ending stream. You’re sitting there in his office and you realize that he is constantly picking up stuff as he goes.”

The vice presidential pick will also be part of the process of proving he’s ready for the White House, Manafort said. “He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO. There is a long list of who that person could be,” Manafort added, “and every one of them has major problems.” The campaign probably won’t choose a woman or a member of a minority group, he said. “In fact, that would be viewed as pandering, I think.”

Yes: http://www.salon.com/2016/05/27/trumps_a_walking_time_bomb_dont_be_fooled_by_his_victory_he_can_implode_his_own_campaign_at_any_moment/
[Digby] This is delusional. . . [read on]

You want more? Here's a segment on Jimmy Kimmel

KIMMEL: You believe that transgender people should be able to use whatever bathroom they want to, which is contrary to what a lot of people, most people in your party believe. Why do you think people are focused on that?
TRUMP: What really I'm saying is — and I think it's pretty simple — let the states decide. And, you know, we have to protect everybody. It's a very, very small group. Right now, it's a very small group. Perhaps it's getting larger. 
KIMMEL: But would you say, though, if you were voting personally, a member in New York state, that you would vote for that right?
TRUMP: Well, the party generally believes that whatever you're born, that's the bathroom you use.
KIMMEL: But what about you?
TRUMP: Me? I say let the states decide.
KIMMEL: Do you personally support it? I think you do.
TRUMP: No. What I support is let the states decide. And I think the states will do hopefully the right thing.
KIMMEL: And what's the right thing?
TRUMP: I don't know yet. I mean, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know. 

Had enough?

Donald Trump: 'You have to be wealthy to be great'

I asked Trump what he thought the GOP would look like in five years. “Love the question,” he replied. “Five, 10 years from now — different party. You’re going to have a worker’s party. A party of people that haven’t had a real wage increase in 18 years, that are angry. What I want to do, I think cutting Social Security is a big mistake for the Republican Party.”

Trouble in Trumpland

Team Trump’s ‘seething mosh pit’ forces key staffer out
More: http://crooksandliars.com/2016/05/oh-dear-trumps-sr-press-rep-crashes-and
Oh Dear. Trump's Press Rep Crashes And Burns Again?  

An insightful point

Jonathan Chait has written one of those pieces that when you finish it you go "ahhh, now I get it."  It's really, really great and a truly important insight. He teases out the relationship between the two most important aspects of Trump's personality: his fundamental disregard for truth or even reality --- and his frightening authoritarianism. They are two sides of the same coin. . . . [read on]


When asked at the G7 about whether world leaders have said anything about the upcoming election: “I think it’s fair to say that they are surprised by the Republican nominee. They are not sure how seriously to take some of his pronouncements, but they’re rattled by him, and for good reason. Because a lot of the proposals that he’s made display either ignorance of world affairs or a cavalier attitude or an interest in getting tweets and headlines instead of actually thinking through what it is that is required to keep America safe and secure and prosperous and what is required to keep the world on an even keel.”

Vince Foster's sister

“It is beyond contempt that a politician would use a family tragedy to further his candidacy, but such is the character of Donald Trump displayed in his recent comments to The Washington Post. In this interview, Trump cynically, crassly and recklessly insinuated that my brother, Vincent W. Foster Jr., may have been murdered because ‘he had intimate knowledge of what was going on’ and that Hillary Clinton may have somehow played a role in Vince’s death. How wrong. How irresponsible. How cruel.”

I'm not the biggest Elizabeth Warren fan, but she is pretty good at this. And more and more people are saying she makes sense as Clinton's VP

“Donald Trump was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown because it meant he could buy up a bunch more property on the cheap,” Warren said at a Washington, D.C. gala for the Center for Popular Democracy Tuesday night. “What kind of a man does that?” an incredulous Warren asked. “Root for people to get thrown out on the street? Root for people to lose their jobs? Root for people to lose their pensions? Root for two little girls in Clark County, Nevada, to end up living in a van?” “What kind of a man does that?” “I’ll tell you exactly what kind,” Warren continued. “A man who cares about no one but himself. A small, insecure money-grubber who doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as he makes some money off it. What kind of man does that? A man who will never be president of the United States.”

Clinton's VP dilemma: http://www.vox.com/2016/5/27/11767624/hillary-clinton-vp-shortlist

The Republican opposition to Merrick Garland is reduced to this

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said in an op-ed published early Thursday morning that a meeting with Merrick Garland hadn’t persuaded him that Garland should be confirmed to the Supreme Court . . .The meeting, however, had not actually taken place yet.

Sanders says he wants to debate Trump. Two reactions: (1) what a STUPID idea and (2) what the hell game is Bernie playing now?

Trump is the master of modern publicity, and he knows perfectly well that a debate like this would (a) help Trump and (b) hurt Hillary. That's it. That's all it would do. And Bernie is all in. Is Bernie really so aggrieved by losing the Democratic nomination that he's now willing to explicitly campaign on Trump's behalf? Because that's all this is. What happened to the old Bernie Sanders?

It is truly difficult for me to imagine that a Trump v Sanders debate is really going to happen. But it is an amazingly terrible idea for anyone who cares about preventing Trump from being the next President. Indeed, does anyone alive believe this helps elect a Democratic president? And if not, what is the rationale? . . . It is only a spectacle by which both candidates, Trump and Sanders, can indulge their tacitly-agreed common interest in sidelining and diminishing Hillary Clinton. . .

I don't want to speculate about Sanders' motives, other than that it is probably a good way to elevate himself into the appearance of an ersatz Democratic standard-bearer and to get media attention which has slackened as most of the attention has moved toward the general election. . . . I think there's a very good chance it would descend into a Hillary-bashing fest. Indeed, how could it not?

The GOP's lack of a ground game

The Republican National Committee is scrambling to respond to increasingly frantic concerns from state GOP officials that the party has not provided enough field organizers and will be badly outgunned by Democrats in battleground states. . . .

A question

How Can You Like Barack Obama But Loathe Hillary Clinton?

After it was announced that President Obama would be moving into a mansion in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, D.C., following his two-term tenure, conservative publication The Daily Caller is making a stink about the house’s proximity to a mosque.  “The mammoth, multi-million-dollar mansion … is located 1,096 feet from the Islamic Center of Washington — one of the largest mosques in the Western Hemisphere,” writes Daily Caller education editor Eric Owens. . . .

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I don’t get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don’t run ads, etc.). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a “mission,” it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***