Sebelius apologizes for failings
Facing down questions with an icy calm, the health secretary admitted that the Obamacare rollout has been a disaster. But her critics didn’t get any of the answers they wanted. . . .
The Wizard of Oz is a story about a woman from Kansas who is forced to interact with a bunch of weirdos for a few hours before she's allowed to go home. . . . [read on!]
Sebelius On Open Mic In Obamacare Grilling: 'Don't Do This To Me'
Sebelius On Open Mic In Obamacare Grilling: 'Don't Do This To Me'
Kathleen Sebelius Responds to Congressman’s Tiresome Line of Questioning: ‘Whatever’
Yes, you have to deal with the Repubs like petulant teenagers
[Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Democrat from
Illinois] “You
know, I want to say to my colleagues,” Schakowsky said, “after a three
and a half year campaign to repeal, to discredit, to even shut down the
government over Obamacare, I want to say, get over it!”
Crocodile tears
U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the failure of Obamacare and the problems it's causing for millions of Americans: "Each of us was sent here to serve and protect our constituents. "That's why Republicans voted unanimously against Obamacare in 2009. . . . I wish the President and Washington Democrats had listened then. "And honestly, I wish we'd been wrong about Obamacare too. I really do . . ."
Republicans Stop Pretending They Want To Fix
Gee, you mean Republicans don't want to fix Obamacare?
Big new NSA revelation
The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials. By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from hundreds of millions of user accounts, many of them belonging to Americans. . . .
You won't hear this on the evening news
Congratulations, America! Your deficit fell 37 percent in 2013.
More on theocratic libertarianism
CNN: dumbing us down
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on
the Senate floor regarding the failure of Obamacare and the problems
it's causing for millions of Americans:
"Each of us was sent here to serve and protect our constituents.
"That's why Republicans voted unanimously against Obamacare in 2009. Because we believed it was our job to stand up for the middle-class families we were sent here to represent. Because we - and not just us, but countless health care professionals, policy experts, and citizens across the country - saw this trainwreck coming years ago, knew the pain it would cause, and warned against it.
"I wish the President and Washington Democrats had listened then.
"And honestly, I wish we'd been wrong about Obamacare too. I really do.
- See more at:
"Each of us was sent here to serve and protect our constituents.
"That's why Republicans voted unanimously against Obamacare in 2009. Because we believed it was our job to stand up for the middle-class families we were sent here to represent. Because we - and not just us, but countless health care professionals, policy experts, and citizens across the country - saw this trainwreck coming years ago, knew the pain it would cause, and warned against it.
"I wish the President and Washington Democrats had listened then.
"And honestly, I wish we'd been wrong about Obamacare too. I really do.
- See more at:
item: How NOT to defend yourself against plagiarism
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