Anybody who knows anything about the Middle East understands that issues there are complicated and subtle. Notice that I said “anybody who knows anything about the Middle East”
Romney’s international-foray-as-campaign-tour was epitomized by his centerpiece stay in Israel, where on Monday he told an audience of American donors that the sluggish Palestinian economy is plagued more by “cultural” differences than by the strictures of the decades-old Israeli occupation. . . .
The assessment is one not widely shared within Israel, and suggested a lack of sustained study or nuanced understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship. . . [read on]
[I]n his comments at a fundraiser Monday morning with well-heeled donors (chief among them current GOP mega-moneyman Shelden Adelson) Romney promptly disabused anyone of the notion that he either fully appreciates, or is terribly concerned with the punishing realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. . . .
[NYT] “On Monday afternoon, Romney campaign officials did not respond to a query about whether Mr. Romney believes that the blockade of Gaza or trade restrictions in the West Bank have had any dampening effect on economic activity in those areas.” . . .
During a trip to Israel, Mitt Romney hailed the nation’s health care system for holding down costs and broadening coverage more effectively than the U.S.
The irony: Israel contains costs by adopting a very centralized, government-run health care system . . .
The Republican presidential candidate originally had planned a $50,000-a-plate dinner in Israel for Sunday night -- even though today is also Tisha B'Av, a Jewish day to mourn the victim and the Holocaust and the destruction of first and second Temple of Jerusalem.
It is traditionally a day of fast when restaurants in Israel are closed by law.
The Huffington Post reports that Romney's campaign knew the significance of the date, but planned the fundraiser anyway . . .
[Steve Benen] Mitt Romney's unpleasant trip to the U.K. last week quickly became the stuff of legend. No one can even remember the last time a prominent American politician traveled abroad, visited with officials from a close ally, and bungled an excursion this badly.
Perhaps the Republican presidential hopeful would have more luck in Israel? Not really. . . . [read on]
John McCain
“I am sure that Gov. Romney was not talking about difference in cultures, or difference in anybody superior or inferior,” said McCain, a chief Romney foreign policy surrogate . . .”
Of course, McCain was dead wrong. Here's what Romney actually said:
“Culture makes all the difference,” Mr. Romney said. . . [read on]
Wrapping up
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney later today wraps up his foreign tour, a trip that drew a series of negative headlines and has left many Republicans wondering what exactly the GOP presidential nominee was hoping to accomplish.
The assessments of the trip, which saw Romney visit London, Israel and Poland over the past week, ranged from scathing to resigned among the Republican professional political class.
“I find this entire trip borderline lunacy,” said one senior Republican strategist . . .
Are we feeling a little. . . tense?
Romney Aide Curses at Press in Poland
Still doing it
An Obama quote taken out of context, yet again
Why Romney keeps attacking things Obama didn’t say
More: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/fox-pundits-continue-defend-romneys-dishon
Fox Pundits Continue to Defend Romney's Dishonest Campaign Ads
Does he really think he’ll get away with this?
[Romney] From time to time I've been audited as happens I think to other citizens as well and the accounting firm which prepares my taxes has done a very thorough and complete job pay taxes as legally due. I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president. I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires. [read on]
Muir: You are here on what some have termed your world audition and democrats, not surprisingly, continue to hammer you back home on taxes, you remain firm two years and two years only. So from what you have released and from what we have seen we know that there was one year when you paid about 13.9% tax rate. Can we clear this up by asking a simple yes or no question? Was there ever any year when you paid lower than 13.9%?
Romney: I haven’t calculated that. I’m happy to go back and look . . .
“Mitt Romney has paid his taxes in full compliance with U.S. Law, and he has paid 100 percent of what he has owed,” Romney spokesman Ryan Williams wrote.
He continued, “As has previously been reported, in 2011, the Romneys will pay more than $3.2 million in taxes on $20.9 million in mostly investment income and will have donated more than $4 million to charity. In 2010, The Romneys paid more than $3 million in taxes on $21.6 million in mostly investment income and donated nearly $3 million to charity.” . . .
[NB: Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but he should be clear that by “charity” he means “Mormon Church”]
More: http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2012/07/30/13031942-romney-to-go-back-and-check-on-tax-rates
Symbolic move, but a smart one
House Dems To Force Vote On Middle-Income Bush Tax Cuts
Here’s why you can’t compromise with the Repubs. Even when you make a deal with them, they end up BLAMING you for it
Say it, brother
[Dan Froomkin] Does any journalist who is not an overt shill for the right actually believe that Republicans are pushing voter ID laws because they’re concerned about voter fraud?
No, of course not.
And for good reason. Voter fraud simply isn’t a problem in this country. Studies have definitively debunked the voter fraud myth time and again. . . .
For reporters to treat this issue like just another political squabble is journalistic malpractice. Indeed, relating the debate in value-neutral he-said-she-said language is actively helping spread the lie. After all, calling for someone to show ID before voting doesn’t sound pernicious to most people, even though it is. And raising the bogus issue of voter fraud at all stokes fear. “Even if you say there is no fraud, all people hear is ‘fraud fraud fraud’,” said Lawrence Norden, a lawyer at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law.
Think about it. If you were covering elections in another country, and one political party was actively trying to limit voting in the name of a problem that objectively didn’t exist, would you hesitate for a moment to call out that tactic — and question that party’s legitimacy? Hardly. . . [read on]
Is there any doubt? http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/david/limbaugh-dont-tell-people-welfare-when-elect
Limbaugh: Don't Tell 'People on Welfare When the Election Is'
The theocrats aren't even hiding it any more
Bonus item: An accident? OF COURSE it was an accident
CNN says using the song Stupid Girls “to introduce a segment on Sarah Palin was unintentional and not meant as a commentary on the former Republican vice presidential candidate” . . .
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