No one does better than the GOPers at getting their base whipped up and outraged. Instead of a Supreme Court decision that they would have praised as a repudiation of Obama’s health care plan and the Greatest Decision in the History of the Court, they got a decision supporting the plan. Now suddenly the Court is a bunch of wimps who know nothing about the Constitution, the decision is a huge injustice, and it must not stand
Republicans planning extended temper tantrum over Supreme Court ruling
The Eight Stages of Conservative Grief
The Best Right-Wing Reactions To John Roberts’ Swing Vote
Classy: http://mediamatters.org/blog/201206280027
In response to the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of health care reform, the Drudge Report is smearing Chief Justice John Roberts over the possibility that he might use epilepsy medication and suggesting that it affected his judgment. . . . [read on]
When is a mandate a tax?
[Josh Marshall] At the risk of stating the obvious: if you construe the mandate as a ‘tax’, it only applies to people who do not have health care insurance and refuse to get it after receiving subsidies that allow them to buy it.
How many people is that?
More: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2012/06/who_pays.php
Who said it?
“[W]e established incentives for those who were uninsured to buy insurance. Using tax penalties, as we did … encourages ‘free riders’ to take responsibility for themselves rather than pass their medical costs on to others.”
More: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/06/romney-my-individual-mandate-was-also-a-tax-increase.php
“Obamneycare” – perfect!
"There's only one candidate -- Gov. Romney -- who's committed that he will repeal the Obamney -- the Obamacare tax increase. . . . ."
-- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R)
“Appears” should be the tag-line for his entire campaign
Romney Appears To Change Position on DREAM Act
Twenty-one more lies
Why Romney Is a Foreign Policy Lightweight
Morgan Stanley organizes fundraiser for Willard, and wants their employees to chip in (entirely voluntary OF COURSE)
Donald Verrilli, lawyer for the administration on health care, was castigated for his Supreme Court performance. But guess who gave Chief Justice Roberts the “mandate is a tax” argument that settled the case?
Yes They Can
Dems can put GOP on defensive over Obamacare’s specifics
Our sick, sick politics
Republicans are trying to buy the 2012 presidential election, so they're accusing Democrats of trying to buy the 2012 presidential election. The Republican presidential candidate is trying to keep his policy agenda vague and unspecific until after the election, so he's accusing the Democratic candidate of trying to keep his policy agenda vague and unspecific until after the election.
Republicans launched a policy agenda that was characterized as a "war on women," so they accused Democrats of launching a "war on women." The Republican candidate appears to be an out-of-touch elitist, so he accused the Democratic candidate of being an out-of-touch elitist.
Rachel calls this the "I'm rubber, you're glue" tactic, and Ari Berman reported this week, it's getting worse. . . . [read on]
Analysis: 98.4% of voters on Rick Scott's first purge list are eligible voters
CNN, sinking fast
CNN journalist: don’t be nosy
Bonus item: Fake news comedians take the moral high ground over “real” news networks
Colbert To CNN, Fox: ‘You. Suck. At. News.’
Jon Stewart Mocks CNN and Fox for Blowing Their Coverage of the Health Care Ruling
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