THE COMPANY HE KEEPSWhy isn’t Donald Trump Willard’s Rev. Wright? was supposed to be a day of triumph for Mitt Romney, when he would at last formally claim the Republican presidential nomination with a victory in the Texas primary. . . . Instead, Tuesday was hijacked by Donald J. Trump. Inexplicably to many in his party, Mr. Romney had scheduled an appearance at a fund-raiser in Las Vegas on Tuesday night with Mr. Trump.
And Mr. Trump, ever ready to seize the spotlight and toss rhetorical grenades, played to type . . .
More: goes after Wolf Blitzer, George Will, and howls at the moon afternoon, Donald Trump reminded the nation why he’s a dangerous surrogate for any political candidate. . . .
Blitzer suggested that Trump was “beginning to sound a little ridiculous.” Trump shot back, “I think you sound ridiculous.”
For good measure, Trump also continued his insults of Washington Post conservative columnist George Will, who on Sunday called the mogul a “bloviating ignoramus.”
Will, Trump said, “is not somebody that I’ve respected. I don’t think he’s a very smart person.” He added, for good measure, “He was at Mar-a-Lago years ago and totally bombed.”
Watch: appears unable or unwilling to say anything negative or disassociate himself in any way from Trump’s remarks. . . . other words, cowardice is once again getting the better of Mitt Romney . . . is Romney associating himself with a man who is the public face of the debunked idea that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States and, perhaps more importantly, a man whose sole principle in life is self-promotion? . . . [read on]
The Answer[Romney] “You know, I don’t agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don’t all agree with everything I believe in. But I need to get 50.1 percent or more, and I’m appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.” guess Mitt Romney is admitting that he can’t attract enough independent voters, so he has to count on every single fringe element of the Republican base. . . .
More: AND Gingrich. Perfect says birther claims not racist, are caused by Obama’s ‘radical’ views
Stimulating: more doubletalk from the Liar and enjoy![Eugene Robinson] There are those who tell the truth. There are those who distort the truth. And then there's Mitt Romney. . . . [read on]
This is the first election since the Second World War when both presidential candidates lack military experience. This is a watershed of sorts, for those of us who have lived through election after election where military service was made synonymous with patriotism. Equally revealing, however, is the NEW litmus test for President to a crowd at a furniture warehouse here, Mr. Romney recalled a suggestion from a man he had recently met on the campaign trail.
“I’d like to have a provision in the Constitution,” he recalled the man saying, “that in addition to the age of the president and the citizenship of the president and the birthplace of the president being set by the Constitution, I’d like it also to say that the president has to spend at least three years working in business before he could become president of the United States.”
Mr. Romney did not endorse the idea, but he seemed to like it. . . .
Must-read: Buying the Presidency"I have lots of money, and can give it legally now," Texas billionaire and top GOP moneyman Harold Simmons recently bragged to The Wall Street Journal. "Just never to Democrats.". . . [read on]
More: kind of man he is: You have to start with the question of why Willard thought this “joke” was so funny logic from the GOP: in order to create jobs, we must destroy them GOP keeps promising an “alternative” to Obamacare – now we are starting to see what it is, and it looks familiar a Supreme Court decision looming next month, House Republicans are privately weighing a plan to reinstate three popular elements of the law if it’s struck down — guaranteeing coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions, allowing young adults up to 26 years old to remain on a parent’s insurance policy, and closing the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the “doughnut hole.”
Whether coverage of pre-existing conditions is economically viable for insurers without an individual mandate is a dubious proposition, but practical realities are taking a back seat to election year imperatives. It’s not a hard sell to voters: you can have all the popular provisions of health care reform without the unpopular ones.
Despite the blowback from conservatives, who want nothing less than to wipe out the law in its entirety, top Senate Republicans are signaling that they’re behind the strategy of resurrecting some aspects of the Affordable Care Act. . . .
Bonus item: Not ready for prime time App Misspells "America". Really.
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