Herman Cain, accused adulterer, may drop out of the GOP race. Will Newt Gingrich, CONFIRMED adulterer, take his place as the conservative standard-bearer?
Cain, Support Eroding, Weighs Dropping Bid
Or not: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/11/29/1040784/-Herman-Cain-reassessing-campaign,-contemplates-early-withdrawal
Now walking it back! “He is not thinking of dropping out of the race,” Gordon added. “He is simply reassessing the state of the campaign."
Here comes Newt: http://crooksandliars.com/jon-perr/confirmed-serial-adulterer-passes-alleged-harasser-gop-race
One last suck at the teat
The last time Herman Cain’s personal life made it into the press, his campaign’s supporters responded with a massive windfall of donations. Now Cain is hoping conservatives will do the same once again.
In an e-mail to supporters titled “Stand With Me,” Cain asks for donations in order to help combat what he claims are false allegations of a 13-year affair with an Atlanta woman . . .
Tick. . . tick. . . tick. . .
Dale Russell, the reporter who broke the story on Atlanta’s Fox 5 News, asked Cain about White’s allegations. Russell says Cain told him, “I have helped her financially.” When CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Cain to describe his relationship with White, Cain said he was just “trying to help a friend because not having a job, etc., and this sort of thing. That's all there is to the relationship.” Cain acknowledged that he had known White for 13 years and that neither his wife nor anyone else in his family knew her. So, at a minimum, Cain maintained a friendship with White for 13 years and gave or lent her money without telling his wife about her.
White has credibility issues. In her records, Fox 5 found a sexual harassment claim (settled), a bankruptcy filing (23 years ago), evictions (including one in November), and a libel suit by an ex-business partner (judgment entered for the ex-partner, supposedly because White didn’t respond to the suit). So Fox 5 asked White for evidence that the relationship was more than friendly. According to the station:
She showed us some of her cell phone bills that included 61 phone calls or text messages to or from a number starting with 678. She says it is Herman Cain's private cell phone. The calls were made during four different months—calls or texts made as early as 4:26 in the early morning, and as late as 7:52 at night. The latest were in September of this year. “We've never worked together,” said White. “And I can't imagine someone phoning or texting me for the last two and a half years, just because.”
We texted the number and Herman Cain called us back.
Thirteen-year friendship. A phone call or text message, on average, every other day. At least one contact before 4:30 in the morning. Gave her money. Never told his wife.
And that’s not all. Remember Bialek’s story about Cain “upgrading” her room at the Capitol Hilton? That transaction would have shown up on Cain’s credit card. If it was the NRA’s card, the NRA could check its records. But White’s story opens a new frontier for investigation. According to Fox 5, “She says during the next 13 years, [Cain] would fly her to cities where he was speaking, and he lavished her with gifts. She says they often stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Buckhead and dined at The Four Seasons restaurant.”
If Cain flew White to various cities, the airlines would have records showing Cain as the payer and White as the passenger. And correlations with his travel schedule would be hard to explain as “trying to help a friend.” . . .
Politico notes Herman Cain is in the midst of "reassessing" whether to continue his 2012 bid, "but its legacy is already settled: His campaign will go down as one of the most hapless and bumbling operations in modern presidential politics, setting a new standard for how to turn damaging press coverage into something far worse." . . .
Newt’s appeal
[Digby] To those wondering why Newt is doing so well, read this piece by Ben Adler at The Nation. There is one thing he does better than any other politician in America: articulating conservative contempt for liberals. And I do mean liberals, not liberalism. This is about bad people not bad ideas . . . [read on]
More: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal/2011_11/what_gingrich_doesnt_want_us_t033780.php
Hey Willard, what IS your stance on immigration?
More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/mitt-romneys-venture-capital-politics/2011/11/28/gIQAeXLM6N_story.html
[Richard Cohen] Mitt Romney runs for president with the eye of a venture capitalist. He sees the profit in certain positions, discards those that are no longer profitable and moves on. He was pro-choice when it did him some good, instituted a health insurance plan that he now denounces and once supported amnesty for some illegal immigrants. . . . [read on]
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: days after running an ad that blatantly uses an Obama quote out of context, Willard complains that his quotes are being taken out of context
More: http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/updates/2231
It’s not going away
More than four in 10 American voters say they are uncomfortable with the idea of a Mormon in the White House . . .
Why we call him “Rock”
Rick Perry Forgets The Legal Voting Age
More: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/david/rick-perry-forgets-us-voting-age-election-da
Tired of tea
Support for the Tea Party — and with it, the Republican Party — has fallen sharply even in places considered Tea Party strongholds, according to an analysis of new polls. . . .
More: http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2011/11/finally-its-crazies-vs-non-crazies
It's the Crazies vs. the Non-Crazies
Karl Rove: still dangerous
Off to a fast start
Scott Walker Opponents Collect Over 300,000 Signatures in First 12 Days of Recall Drive
More: http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/11/29/walker-recall-over-halfway-to-signature-goal-in-12-days/
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