We don’t do as much international coverage here as we might. Here’s one case where it’s necessary
Euro Crisis: The Biggest Story In American Politics And Nobody’s Talking About It
More: http://thinkprogress.org/yglesias/2011/09/28/331314/european-debt-crisis-primer
The GOP’s refusal to vote on Obama’s judicial nominees is having real consequences
Getting what they want: http://www.americablog.com/2011/09/obama-nominates-republican.html
Obama nominates Republican recommendations for open U.S. attorney positions in Utah and Texas
NYPD and Manhattan DA to investigate use of pepper spray on demonstrators
More: http://www.americablog.com/2011/09/more-shocking-video-of-nypd-brutality.html
‘Glenn Greenwald] It was first reported in January of last year that the Obama administration had compiled a hit list of American citizens whom the President had ordered assassinated without any due process, and one of those Americans was Anwar al-Awlaki. . . . [read on]
Newt should stay out of the theocratic pool
By the way, how’s that campaign coming along, guy? http://politicalwire.com/archives/2011/09/29/gingrich_scolds_reporter_for_asking_about_money.html
Seema Mehta, Los Angeles Times: "With the fundraising quarter coming to a close, what..."
Newt Gingrich: "See, I knew you couldn't resist. I'm not going to answer you. I think you should, you should really go home and think about why you would even ask that today."
“None of the above” is winning!
Giuliani Still Flirting with President Bid
Christie Seriously Considering Bid
Rush pre-emptively trashes Chris Christie
Our very own Joe Walsh (R-IL) is making a name for himself as one of the real extremists of the House GOP – and that’s saying something
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) told an audience in Illinois that he was ashamed of his state for not allowing concealed handguns, warning that they were the “last line of defense” if Americans need to revolt against their government. . . .
I like this idea
Miami Herald columnist Carl Hiaasen told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Wednesday that he would be willing to pay for drug tests for the Florida lawmakers who voted to drug test welfare recipients. . . .

“Congress Takes Group of Schoolchildren Hostage”
Extra bonus item: Jon Stewart lampoons Sarah!s phony indecisiveness
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