I think this tells you how toxic things have gotten. The House rushes to vote down the “Reid Proposal” before the Senate even votes on it, and while its content is STILL being negotiated with the Senate Repubs. Anything CALLED the “Reid Proposal” must be bad, right?
In an effort to send a message to Senate leaders of both parties, the House voted 173 to 246 against the proposal by Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, to show it had no future in the House. . . .
More: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal/2011_07/one_house_tantrum_followed_by031200.php
[Jonathan Bernstein] John Boehner and Harry Reid started the week with plans that were within shouting distance of each other. It was easy to envision a compromise between them. . . . [read on]
Now it’s the Senate Dems who keep pushing back a vote they are afraid they will lose – while the Senate GOP keeps threatening to filibuster it
Meanwhile, the key negotiation seems to be between Obama and the Repubs, with the Dems forced to swallow whatever he comes up with
Rightward Tilt Leaves Obama With Party Rift
The deal? http://politicalwire.com/archives/2011/07/30/is_this_the_deal.html
ABC News reports that Republicans and the White House have struck a tentative deal to raise the debt ceiling.
Key features of the agreement:
• Debt ceiling increase of up to $2.8 trillion
• Spending cuts of roughly $1 trillion
• Vote on the Balanced Budget Amendment
• Special committee to recommend cuts of $1.8 trillion before Thanksgiving
• Automatic across-the-board cuts go into effect, including cuts to Defense and Medicare, if not approved by December
• No new tax revenue
[David Atkins] Needless to say, this is a truly horrible deal. . . . [read on]
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: A slightly revised proposal, though still pretty bad
Obama’s failure. It is pathetic to think about how we got here. A few weeks ago, the Repubs were reeling. The very unpopular Ryan plan had them on the defensive. They were (and remain) deeply divided internally. Their leadership was weak. Obama’s approval was on the rise. Now, after wasting time (once again) in seeking a “grand compromise” with GOP leaders who wouldn’t or couldn’t deliver, Obama is being forced to accept a bill that has everything the GOPers wanted – more than they could have hoped for even a few days ago – and NOTHING that serves his own side. It’s the Dems who are frustrated and demoralized, and his approval is at an all-time low
[Digby] Perhaps he didn't originally conceive of the debt ceiling as a good way to force spending cuts, but he sure jumped on the bandwagon with gusto when the other side proposed it. And frankly, considering his early telegraphing of the Grand Bargain as a legacy item and his fetish for big bipartisan compromise, I think it's fair to speculate that he saw this as the only way to get it done early on. . . . [read on]
[Elizabeth Drew] The President argued that it’s critical to make cuts that will “get our fiscal house in order,” so that the American people and the politicians would accept the idea of new programs leading to growth and more jobs. But there are numerous indications that the public is ready for such programs now, and serious analysts see no reason why he should not also be taking such steps now, even if this increases the deficit in the short run. But that would be at odds with Obama’s current self-portrayal. People who are looking for work, or worried about their unemployment insurance, or getting their kids to college, may not be impressed with the argument that they must be patient while the President adjusts his fiscal image in time for the 2012 election. . . . [read on]
More: http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/and-how-did-you-like-kabuki-dance-mr.html
Tighten those belts some more!
[Suzy Khimm] No matter how the debt-ceiling fight is resolved in Congress, it’s going to end poorly for the states. . . . [read on]
There Will Be No Recovery
More: http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/07/29/austerity-goolsbee-ignores-own-statistics-to-make-case-for-deficit-reduction/
The kind of people they are
So now we know: the 2010 blog post deleted from a tea party social network recently comparing America's public schools to Nazi Germany was in fact written by Kim Simac, a tea party organizer and the state Republicans' choice to recall a Democratic state Senator in Wisconsin on August 9. But we still don't know why the post mysteriously disappeared just as the election is entering the homestretch. . . .
Just don’t call it “terrorism”
Someone firebombed a Planned Parenthood clinic in McKinney, Texas, late Tuesday night. Because it was so late, no one was hurt. The clinic doesn't provide abortions, but there had been protesters there earlier that day anyway. . . .
Sunday talk show line-ups
ABC’s This Week: Debt ceiling – David Plouffe. Then, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-SC). Followed by Dr. Mohamed El-Erian, CEO of investment management firm PIMCO on the consequences of a possible default. Roundtable: George Stephanopoulos, George Will, Paul Krugman, Grover Norquist. Also, Ameriterror – Ft. Hood arrest with NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. Ending with the famine in the Horn of Africa, reporting by David Muir.
CBS’ Face the Nation: Debt ceiling – Republican Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Democratic Policy Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
CNN’s State of the Union: Guest host Gloria Borger. Debt ceiling – Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Then, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Also, Director of the National Economic Council, Gene Sperling. And Moody’s chief economist Mark Zandi. Ending with the horserace and Tim Pawlenty.
NBC’s Meet the Press: Debt ceiling – David Plouffe. Roundtable: Jennifer Granholm, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), Jim Cramer, Tom Brokaw.
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