Well, the GOPers have been howling for Obama to show more “leadership” on the budget issue. They got what they asked for
President Obama Demands Action From House GOP on Jobs, Taxes
Obama To Congress: I’ve Been Working, Why Don’t You Try
Transcript: http://crooksandliars.com/karoli/president-obama-congress-debt-ceiling-get-i
Analyzing the rhetoric
How you know the negotiations have truly failed
Obama picks fight with GOP over tax cuts for the rich
Obama is Capitulating on the Debt Crisis
Chris Matthews says that today was the birth of a new Barack Obama. A manly man, a macho man, a leader. He's excited, as usual. . . .[read on]
Obama: It's Kids Versus Corporate Jets on Debt-Ceiling Talks
The debt question Obama has to ask over and over
More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/post/expect-more-congress-bashing-from-obama/2011/03/28/AG62lGrH_blog.html
Expect more Congress-bashing from Obama
That’s why they call it a DEAD-line
Report: S&P Will Downgrade Dramatically Unhonored Treasuries After August 4
More: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal/2011_06/the_sp_vs_the_gop030596.php
The Republican talking point (and public perception) is that the economy has gotten worse under Obama. That’s just not true
Sixth Circuit, Bush-appointed judge casts key vote to uphold constitutionality of health care reform. Here’s why it matters
Obama ducks question on gay marriage
The next GOP savior?
Poll: Perry Trails Obama In Texas
And the other one: http://www.americablog.com/2011/06/poll-obama-beats-palin-in-alaska.html
Poll: Obama beats Palin in Alaska
The New Adventures of Old Christine
Former Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell told supporters in an email earlier this month that the Federal Election Commission "dismissed the politically motivated complaint against me that was filed by my opponents last summer."
But it turns out that half of the commission thought that there was reason to believe that O'Donnell had indeed broken the law and wanted to open a full investigation. The three Republican commissioners didn't want to probe the issue any further, and since the commission was deadlocked, they dismissed the complaint. . . .
I promise, I PROMISE, not to make a regular habit of quoting Bristol Palin here. But this is just too rich to pass up
Bristol Palin: Michele Bachmann's just copying my mom
More: http://politicalwire.com/archives/2011/06/29/bachmann_says_no_feud_with_palin.html
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) denied reports of a feud between her and Sarah Palin and says the rumor was manufactured by the media . . . . [NB: Oh, really?]
Bonus item: First, Mike Huckabee wants to re-educate kids about US History with his own distorted animated video series. Then Sarah! changes the Paul Revere story, and her acolytes rewrite Wikipedia to conform to her version. Now Michele Bachmann presents her own muddled version of history
More: http://crooksandliars.com/nicole-belle/bachmann-fans-alter-wikipedia-fit-mic
Bachmann Fans Alter Wikipedia To Fit Michele's "Facts"
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