Mitt Romney follows the same dark path toward atavism as every other GOP frontrunner: it’s in the gene pool
In New Hampshire Friday, Mitt Romney stumbled over a line about pinning the nation's melancholy on President Obama that found him scrambling to back away from a quote suggesting Republicans are going to "hang" Obama with America's problems in 2012.
"Uh, so to speak -- metaphorically," Romney quickly corrected, before adding, "you have to be careful these days, I've learned that." . . .
Donald Trump isn’t running for President. Like Sarah Palin, he’s found that APPEARING to run for President can be a big boost to your media career (tv reality shows, books sales, speaking fees), and to your ego. But he’s not running – does he really think that positions like this, expressed this way, are the substance of a presidential campaign?
Trump On China: 'Listen You Mother F***ers'
Donald Trump on Iraq: ‘Stay and Keep the Oil’
More F-bombs: http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/donald-talks-dirty-ladies-trump-laun
By the way, what IS going to happen in Iraq?
With an end-of-the-year deadline for withdrawal of American troops looming -- and talks underway between the U.S. and Iraqi governments to negotiate a new security agreement that could very well see U.S. troops remaining beyond the deadline in some capacity . . .
Not good, and I’m not going to excuse it
[Greg Sargent] Let’s state as clearly as possible that political spending from anonymous donors is bad for our democracy — whether it’s coming from Republicans or Democrats. Now that leading Dems have announced a new group designed to raise and spend big bucks on Obama’s reelection — some of it from undisclosed donors — voters will be seeing reams of ads from the Dem side without knowing who paid for them. . .
More: http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/money-chase.html
BP oil spill, rising gas prices, and . . .
Republicans Trapped on Oil Company Tax Subsidies
More: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2011_04/029184.php
Michele Bachmann gets the memo: abolishing Medicare is a VERY unpopular idea
Some “truce”
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who suggested that conservatives should engage in a truce on social issues and focus on deficits, will sign legislation that will ban state funding for Planned Parenthood. . . .
GOPer says ‘the context” helps excuse her statement that blacks don’t work hard. Uh. . . no it doesn’t
The new birth certificate conspiracy theory: it’s a forgery!
More unsubtle racial coding: http://mediamatters.org/blog/201104290009
Breitbart uses his video-editing magic to smear university profs
Bonus item: The Colbert Report: America Needs to See Obama's Report Cards
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