I know where Atrios is coming from
I spent many years doing my small little part in trying to influence the Freak Show side of politics. Destroying the Freak Show is impossible, so playing whack-a-mole with Zombie Lies and occasionally managing to make it work for the benefit of The Left was the best I could do. I'm not saying that's all I ever did on this blog, but it definitely started from the place that fixing politics required if not fixing our media then at least getting a bit better at gaming it. Once Dems took control of everything I just couldn't get too interested in what a never going to win Senate candidate from Delaware might have said 10 years ago. It was time to, you know, govern. Not that the media issue magically disappeared, of course. The Freak Show we will always have with us. But I just thought...well, hey, Team D is in charge now, so let's worry about getting stuff done.
But soon we will have Chairman Issa, and the Freak Show will indeed matter an immense amount once again. It isn't good for the country, but maybe it makes this blogging thing a bit easier. . . .
More: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/12/30/932374/-Rep.-Steve-King-promises-pointless,-racist-investigations-for-the-next-two-year
Rep. Steve King promises pointless, racist investigations for the next two years
America’s plutocracy
[Francis Fukuyama] We mean not just rule by the rich, but rule by and for the rich. We mean, in other words, a state of affairs in which the rich influence government in such a way as to protect and expand their own wealth and influence, often at the expense of others. . . . [read on]
The “friction” between the Obama White House and Wall Street – how much of it is real, how much is kabuki?
A bit of good news on unemployment
Senate “reform”: less than meets the eye?
Conservatives want to turn Constitution-worship into a quasi-religious ritual. Problem is (as with the Bible), they don’t know, or care, what it actually SAYS

Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips put out a list yesterday of the "top five liberal hate groups," because "while the Left loves to accuse the Tea Party and Conservatives to be members of hate groups [sic], the simple fact is, there are a lot of liberal hate groups." And who made the cut for the top five? The NAACP, the Department of Homeland Security, the ACLU, the SEIU, and of course, the Southern Poverty Law Center. . . .
You know the old saying, when you criticize a conservative, they attack you and say you’re crazy – when you criticize a liberal they say “you might have a point.” Let’s generalize that to the state of politics today
We know that the right loves “eliminationist” rhetoric: they really would erase progressivism as a political alternative if they could, because they aren’t pluralists and they KNOW they’re right (after all, they believe that they, and only they, have God on their side).
But what’s even weirder is when they attribute to “the left” the very hatred and intolerance that they themselves exhibit
[Ralph Peters] If our extreme left maintained a kill-or-capture list for the morning after the revolution (before they started arresting and executing each other), the 30 subjects interviewed in "Showdown with Evil" would fill out the top of its roster. . . [read on]
The Wall Street Journal, hardly a leftist rag, provides some sanity in the “death panel” debate
"[T]he substance is more than defensible," the Journal's editors opined yesterday. "Certain quarters on the political right are following the media's imagination and blasting Dr. Berwick's decision as the tangible institution of death panels. But the rule-making is not coercive and gives seniors more autonomy, not less.... Advance care planning lays out the options and allows patients, in consultation with their providers and family members, to ensure that their future treatment is consistent with their wishes and moral values should they become too sick to decide for themselves."
What a nut! Michele Bachmann tells us what turned her Republican: reading Gore Vidal
In her own words: Christine O’Donnell explains, calmly and rationally, how the campaign finance allegations against her are part of a plot by the Delaware GOP, the “left-wing Soros funded” CREW, and disgruntled former employees, all out to get her. But she says she isn’t calling it a “conspiracy.” Uh-huh.
Rule #1: when you have no defense, attack your accusers
Vigilantes on the US/Mexico border
[Fox News] Here along Arizona's southern border, outside of Douglas (ph), Arizona, one of the nation's most trafficked areas for illegal human and drug smuggling, one man, Lynn Kartchner, an Army veteran from Vietnam, a retired civil servant, keeps a watchful eye day and night, using only his resources. He's not a part of any militia or any affiliated group. He's not a part of the border patrol. He simply goes out with a few of his colleagues and tries to find illegal activity and report it to the authorities. So we traveled with only a camera to follow him on patrol to see what he could find. . . . [read on]
More: http://mydd.com/users/the-media-consortium/posts/weekly-diaspora-arizona-vs-anchor-babies
As predictable as snow in December: you have a big storm, and the global warming denialists come out in force
Virginia’s “history” textbooks: full of lots of stuff, but not much history
Bonus item: The Year in Crazy, from Tom Tomorrow
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