As readers have pointed out to me, the blog has been pretty grim of late. Well, today, a mix of lighter fare, maybe even a chuckle or two, and a bit of perspective about chickens coming home to roost
Attack ads: circa 1800
The best and worst ads of this season:
Act Two: after the GOPers win, their teabagging supporters will expect RESULTS (their kind of results). Then what will the GOP do?
ROFLMAO! Thanks for nothing!
House Minority Leader John Boehner took on the conventional wisdom that it's bad politics to associate with Nazi reenactors by campaigning recently with Ohio congressional candidate Rich Iott. That's about the only public support Iott's received from the GOP since his SS scandal broke.
Returning the favor, Iott, who's running in Ohio's 9th congressional district, now won't say whether he'd support Boehner for Speaker. . . .
Sarah Palin Calls Joe Miller A Lost Cause
Paladino Sends Out Mailer Marked 'Important Tax Information'
Ha – internal war at ABC News over the decision to include professional liar and agitprop peddler Andrew Breitbart in their election night coverage
Damage control:
Bad journalism
With Republicans poised to gain ground in Tuesday's elections, the White House is losing hope that Congress will approve its plan to raise taxes on the nation's wealthiest families . . .
[NB: As everyone with a high school education knows, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire automatically. That isn’t Obama’s doing. Can somebody explain this to the Post?]
Sunday talk show line-ups
• ABC, This Week: National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (R-TX), Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-NJ).
• CBS, Face The Nation: Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA).
• CNN, State Of The Union: Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE), former Education Secrtary Bill Bennett.
• NBC, Meet The Press: Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine, Republican Governors Association Chairman Haley Barbour (R-MS).
Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan has been added to all the shows. You know why:
The Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear, held on the National Mall Saturday afternoon, ridiculed the whole idea of a political rally. But it also managed to send a message about the broken political system, how the media abets it, and why it's OK to care—even for professional ironists. . . .
I didn't get a chance to watch all of yesterday's rally, but from what I could tell, the Stewart/Colbert event had very little to do with politics, literally nothing to do with the elections (none of the speakers even mentioned voting), and everything to do with the sense that the basics of our civil discourse are badly off track. . . .
The Rally to Restore Sanity: Nonpartisan, but political
The highs and lows of the Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear.
The photos:
The signs:
The videos:
Over 200,000:
The village doesn’t get it (again):
[NB: My favorite part, of the ten minutes I saw, was learning that the major news outlets forbade their staffers from attending, because they didn’t want their faces showing up in crowd shots at a leftist rally. You heard similar bans with the Glenn Beck rally, etc, right?]
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