Did Dick Cheney lie to the FBI?
Former Vice President Dick Cheney denied in an interview with a special prosecutor investigating the C.I.A. leak case that he had played any role in the disclosure of the identity of Valerie Wilson as an intelligence officer . . .
[Nick Baumann] In the interview, Cheney demonstrated a behavior common among Bush administration officials under investigation: he couldn't remember much of anything. Here's a non-comprehensive list of 22 things Dick Cheney claimed he couldn't recall about the Plame case . . .
[Zachary Roth] Dick Cheney told FBI investigators he wasn't happy when Scott McClellan, then the White House press secretary, publicly told reporters that Karl Rove wasn't the source of the Plame leak. . . .
[Marcy Wheeler] One thing DOJ redacted in this document–the most highly protected part of the document–was Cheney relaying what was said about Joe Wilson at a meeting with Bush, probably on July 7, 2003.
When Fitzgerald asked Cheney whether he ever spoke about Wilson with Condi Rice, Andy Card, and Karl Rove, Cheney answered this way . . .
[Zachary Roth] It's not news that Dick Cheney takes an expansive view of executive privilege. But one passage from the just released Plame interview documents makes clear just how far he took it. . . .
The CBO, which has always had its thumb on the scale in favor of the Baucus approach to health care reform, deals a damaging blow to the House alternative
Well, it worked before
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that the public option “may cost you your life” . . .
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), "So with regard to the death panel, nothing much has changed." . . .
The game plan:
Looks like we’re going to see the same Republican nonsense over the climate change bill
GOP To Boycott Cap-And-Trade Markup Tuesday
Joe Lieberman – is he going out of his way to be an ass?
Lieberman: I'll support Republicans in 2010
White House seems to be prepping for a rough round of election results on Tuesday
Liz Cheney keeps showing what she and her dad mean by "keeping America safe" – it means undermining Obama at every opportunity
Liz Cheney Suggests Obama Honored Fallen Soldiers For The Publicity
Yeah, not like THIS guy:
Michele Bachmann's (R-MN) friends
Bachmann Backs Fundraiser; Speaker Likens Obama to Hitler, Says He Paves Way for Antichrist
Bonus item: Jon Stewart nails Fox News
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
This daily blog is composed of clips and links from other progressive blog and news sites, accompanied by my own observations. We are committed to challenging the Trump administration and its policies, exposing its corruption and lies, and helping to lay the groundwork for a progressive comeback.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
The House presents its health care bill, with a public option. Like it or hate it?
Like it:
[Chris Good] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's newly unveiled health care package isn't as ambitious as what most progressives have called for, but they're praising it as a big step toward passing a reform package that includes a public option. . . .
[Paul Krugman] [T]he bill does include a “medium-strength” public option, in which the public plan would negotiate payment rates — defying the predictions of pundits who have repeatedly declared any kind of public-option plan dead. It also includes more generous subsidies than expected, making it easier for lower-income families to afford coverage. And according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, almost everyone — 96 percent of legal residents too young to receive Medicare — would get health insurance. . . . [read on]
11 Ways The House Bill Is Much Better Than The Baucus Bill
Why the House Bill Is Better
Hate it:
Grijalva: Progressives Will Push For Changes To House Bill
Blue Dogs Win Huge Victory For The Health Insurance Industry
House Health Care Bill: A Death Sentence For My Fellow Breast Cancer Survivors
REALLY hates it:
Did Pelosi give away too much?
Now, this is worth thinking about. The Repubs say that Pelosi’s support for health care reform is driving her party off the cliff. But if they really believed that, wouldn’t they just shut up and let her do it? Or is this supposed to be seen as constructive advice?
Republicans promised a health care alternative more than four months ago. Will they ever come up with one?
“Sometime soon”
[John Boehner, R-OH] We have a number of ideas that we would like to proffer in this process, and we’re not quite sure how the majority intends to proceed. And so until we understand how they intend to proceed, it’s pretty difficult for us to have a solid plan.
[NB: Now, THAT’S leadership]
“Unprecedented obstructionism”
And they really mean it
[The Weekly Standard] Joementum 2012? . . . Is he the greatest senator ever? . . . [read on]
What is “cloture”?
3.2% growth in GDP: good news, bad news,-Bad-News
Let’s play “suppose this was a Democratic President”
His predecessor. . . visited the families of dead troops but never received the bodies at the base, in Dover, Delaware. . . . [and] did not go to military funerals . . .
Oops! Confidential House ethics investigation info leaked
I am starting to think that the huge national investment in NY-23 is not because of enthusiasm for Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, who looks like a real stiff – but because the post-election meme if he wins will be “conservative wing of the Republican party takes over.” A win for far-right theocrat Bob McDonnell in Virginia will fit that narrative, as will primary wins by Rubio over Crist in Florida and Perry over Hutchison in Texas. Sarah Palin will promote herself as a kingmaker by always backing the candidate furthest to the right. Sounds GREAT to me
The GOP will burn down the building before they let this pass
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) has introduced a bill that would allow Election Day registration for federal elections across the country. . . . [read on]
That’s why they call it “astroturf”
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a brilliant jurist, people keep telling us. Really? I wouldn’t accept this reasoning from an undergraduate
Susan Jacoby in The Washington Post points out a largely overlooked exchange with Justice Antonin Scalia in that cross case heard by Supreme Court earlier this month. The case revolved around whether the government can keep a war memorial consisting of a solitary cross on public parkland. But while American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Peter Eliasberg made the argument that a statue of a soldier, for example, might be a better memorial to those who died in World War I, Scalia appeared shocked that the Jewish lawyer didn’t understand that the cross represents all the dead soldiers. “The cross is the most common symbol of…of…of the resting places of the dead,” Scalia insisted.
Sarah Palin’s $100,000 payday
Or not?
Rush hasn’t been getting enough attention lately, I guess, so he ramps up his rhetoric to “11”
You -- In 2008, in our presidential election, we had a, a, a war veteran, Vietnam War veteran, John McCain, against an elitist, five-minute career senator of a hundred and fifty days. That senator was running as a Democrat, and had actively sought the defeat of the U.S. military in Iraq -- had actively sought to undermine General Petraeus, who was the author of the surge that led to a turnaround in Iraq and a victory. And now that same man is dithering in Afghanistan while American soldiers -- not Bush soldiers, not Obama soldiers, American soldiers -- are dying. At record numbers.
The threat that people in this country who want to be free face is now within our own borders. . . . [read on]
No, MSNBC is not the progressive equivalent of Fox News
Bonus item: Theocracy watch
Randall Terry and fellow anti-abortion protestors staked out congressional staffers this morning with costumes and street theater dramatizing how said staffers will soon be burning in hellfire along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for supporting health care reform. . . . "The fire hurts!!!"
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
The House presents its health care bill, with a public option. Like it or hate it?
Like it:
[Chris Good] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's newly unveiled health care package isn't as ambitious as what most progressives have called for, but they're praising it as a big step toward passing a reform package that includes a public option. . . .
[Paul Krugman] [T]he bill does include a “medium-strength” public option, in which the public plan would negotiate payment rates — defying the predictions of pundits who have repeatedly declared any kind of public-option plan dead. It also includes more generous subsidies than expected, making it easier for lower-income families to afford coverage. And according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, almost everyone — 96 percent of legal residents too young to receive Medicare — would get health insurance. . . . [read on]
11 Ways The House Bill Is Much Better Than The Baucus Bill
Why the House Bill Is Better
Hate it:
Grijalva: Progressives Will Push For Changes To House Bill
Blue Dogs Win Huge Victory For The Health Insurance Industry
House Health Care Bill: A Death Sentence For My Fellow Breast Cancer Survivors
REALLY hates it:
Did Pelosi give away too much?
Now, this is worth thinking about. The Repubs say that Pelosi’s support for health care reform is driving her party off the cliff. But if they really believed that, wouldn’t they just shut up and let her do it? Or is this supposed to be seen as constructive advice?
Republicans promised a health care alternative more than four months ago. Will they ever come up with one?
“Sometime soon”
[John Boehner, R-OH] We have a number of ideas that we would like to proffer in this process, and we’re not quite sure how the majority intends to proceed. And so until we understand how they intend to proceed, it’s pretty difficult for us to have a solid plan.
[NB: Now, THAT’S leadership]
“Unprecedented obstructionism”
And they really mean it
[The Weekly Standard] Joementum 2012? . . . Is he the greatest senator ever? . . . [read on]
What is “cloture”?
3.2% growth in GDP: good news, bad news,-Bad-News
Let’s play “suppose this was a Democratic President”
His predecessor. . . visited the families of dead troops but never received the bodies at the base, in Dover, Delaware. . . . [and] did not go to military funerals . . .
Oops! Confidential House ethics investigation info leaked
I am starting to think that the huge national investment in NY-23 is not because of enthusiasm for Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, who looks like a real stiff – but because the post-election meme if he wins will be “conservative wing of the Republican party takes over.” A win for far-right theocrat Bob McDonnell in Virginia will fit that narrative, as will primary wins by Rubio over Crist in Florida and Perry over Hutchison in Texas. Sarah Palin will promote herself as a kingmaker by always backing the candidate furthest to the right. Sounds GREAT to me
The GOP will burn down the building before they let this pass
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) has introduced a bill that would allow Election Day registration for federal elections across the country. . . . [read on]
That’s why they call it “astroturf”
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a brilliant jurist, people keep telling us. Really? I wouldn’t accept this reasoning from an undergraduate
Susan Jacoby in The Washington Post points out a largely overlooked exchange with Justice Antonin Scalia in that cross case heard by Supreme Court earlier this month. The case revolved around whether the government can keep a war memorial consisting of a solitary cross on public parkland. But while American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Peter Eliasberg made the argument that a statue of a soldier, for example, might be a better memorial to those who died in World War I, Scalia appeared shocked that the Jewish lawyer didn’t understand that the cross represents all the dead soldiers. “The cross is the most common symbol of…of…of the resting places of the dead,” Scalia insisted.
Sarah Palin’s $100,000 payday
Or not?
Rush hasn’t been getting enough attention lately, I guess, so he ramps up his rhetoric to “11”
You -- In 2008, in our presidential election, we had a, a, a war veteran, Vietnam War veteran, John McCain, against an elitist, five-minute career senator of a hundred and fifty days. That senator was running as a Democrat, and had actively sought the defeat of the U.S. military in Iraq -- had actively sought to undermine General Petraeus, who was the author of the surge that led to a turnaround in Iraq and a victory. And now that same man is dithering in Afghanistan while American soldiers -- not Bush soldiers, not Obama soldiers, American soldiers -- are dying. At record numbers.
The threat that people in this country who want to be free face is now within our own borders. . . . [read on]
No, MSNBC is not the progressive equivalent of Fox News
Randall Terry and fellow anti-abortion protestors staked out congressional staffers this morning with costumes and street theater dramatizing how said staffers will soon be burning in hellfire along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for supporting health care reform. . . . "The fire hurts!!!"
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Joe Lieberman, filibuster hypocrite
[Josh Marshall] Reformers are all up in arms over Joe Lieberman's new effort to scuttle health care reform, for good reason. What got far less attention was that between yesterday and today Joe completely changed his rationale for why he thinks the public option is a bad idea. Indeed, explanation two contradicts explanation one. And number two is so nonsensical as to suggest he's making up the reasons for his opposition as he goes along. . . . [read on]
Key Senators React To Lieberman's Fuzzy Public Option Logic
Key Democratic Senators Correct Lieberman On The Public Option
Look, Joe’s gonna get his air time on Fox News and elsewhere. Everybody will be talking about him for a few days. He’ll be “relevant” again – and then he will back down
[McJoan] [W]hat else could you expect from Lieberman? . . . [read on]
White House Won't Hit Lieberman Hard For Health Care Opposition
Nice summary of the different kinds of “public option” still in play
Given the importance of separating a vote for cloture and a vote on the bill, much-discussed here, WHY would a Democrat help the GOP narrative, which conflates them?
Are the CIA and US military working at cross purposes in Afghanistan?
Obama signs hate crime legislation – therefore the right must find a way to attack it. But this is an ingenious line of attack: Obama is restricting the religious freedom to hate
[Michael Pence, R-IN] Hate crimes legislation is antithetical to the First Amendment, unnecessary and will have a chilling effect on religious freedom. . . . [read on]
Just another Republican sex freak
The Great Republican Comeback continues
The Republican Brand in Ruins: 75% of Americans Dislike Republicans; Over 70% Think Palin’s Not Qualified to be President
“The Persecution of Sarah Palin,” for sale now in the Humor aisle
Bonus item: just a coincidence?
[T]he odds of his message appearing are just .00000000000053937610200661%.
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Joe Lieberman, filibuster hypocrite
[Josh Marshall] Reformers are all up in arms over Joe Lieberman's new effort to scuttle health care reform, for good reason. What got far less attention was that between yesterday and today Joe completely changed his rationale for why he thinks the public option is a bad idea. Indeed, explanation two contradicts explanation one. And number two is so nonsensical as to suggest he's making up the reasons for his opposition as he goes along. . . . [read on]
Key Senators React To Lieberman's Fuzzy Public Option Logic
Key Democratic Senators Correct Lieberman On The Public Option
Look, Joe’s gonna get his air time on Fox News and elsewhere. Everybody will be talking about him for a few days. He’ll be “relevant” again – and then he will back down
[McJoan] [W]hat else could you expect from Lieberman? . . . [read on]
White House Won't Hit Lieberman Hard For Health Care Opposition
Nice summary of the different kinds of “public option” still in play
Given the importance of separating a vote for cloture and a vote on the bill, much-discussed here, WHY would a Democrat help the GOP narrative, which conflates them?
Are the CIA and US military working at cross purposes in Afghanistan?
Obama signs hate crime legislation – therefore the right must find a way to attack it. But this is an ingenious line of attack: Obama is restricting the religious freedom to hate
[Michael Pence, R-IN] Hate crimes legislation is antithetical to the First Amendment, unnecessary and will have a chilling effect on religious freedom. . . . [read on]
Just another Republican sex freak
The Great Republican Comeback continues
The Republican Brand in Ruins: 75% of Americans Dislike Republicans; Over 70% Think Palin’s Not Qualified to be President
“The Persecution of Sarah Palin,” for sale now in the Humor aisle
Bonus item: just a coincidence?
[T]he odds of his message appearing are just .00000000000053937610200661%.
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Joe Lieberman, who loves being in the position of The Most Important Member of Congress, now says he will help the GOP block health care reform. I doubt he actually will, in the end, but in the meantime he’ll get plenty of attention
Much ado about nothing?
Senate Democratic aides tell Political Wire that too much is being made of Sen. Joe Lieberman's declaration that he would back a Republican filibuster of health care reform legislation. They think he's just jockeying for influence . . .
Reid: "Joe Lieberman is the least of Harry Reid's problems"
[Tim Noah] Senate majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says that "Joe Lieberman is the least of [my] problems" in passing health reform with a public option. I'm not so sure. . . .
Lieberman: a stunning ingrate (so what else is new?)
Lieberman’s lies,-Trad-Media-Doesnt-Care
What’s next?
Inside baseball: how the sequence of votes will happen in the Senate
There will be several turning points . . .
As noted before, you will see a big fight to frame what a vote for cloture means: the Dems will say, it’s just a vote to give the bill an up-or-down vote and to prevent GOP obstructionism (some will vote for cloture but vote against the bill). The Repubs will say, a vote for cloture is tantamount to a vote for the bill, and they will try to hang the outcome around the neck of any conservative Dem who dares to oppose them. How will the press cover this distinction?
I'd say it's assumed that, if the Dems are going to win this, several of the centrist and conservative Dems will vote no on the bill itself (where they only need 50) but yes on cloture (the key vote where they need 60). . . .
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear today what the GOP has been suggesting for months: moderate Democratic senators fearful that voting for health care reform will cost them their seats (think Blanche Lincoln) can't get away with voting for cloture and against a bill on the floor. . . .
I said this yesterday: the opt-out option is a diabolical trap for the GOP
Will we end up talking about reconciliation again?,-Here-We-Come
The next big fight: climate bill hearings begin
Are we trying to influence the runoff election in Afghanistan?
Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of the Afghan president and a suspected player in the country’s booming illegal opium trade, gets regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency, and has for much of the past eight years, according to current and former American officials. . . .
So, Uh. How Much CIA Money Inadvertently Funds The Taliban? . . .
What we knew . . .
Intel Panel: CIA Misled Lawmakers On Torture, Other Issues
The Repubs love being associated with the Tea Bagger fringe. We should let them
Third straight poll shows that GOP popularity is at an all-time low – but the Wise Men “know” that the Repubs are poised for a big comeback
Bonus item: Bush gives his “motivational” speech: Who cares about being popular? Just so long as God (and Dick Cheney) tell you that you’re right
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Joe Lieberman, who loves being in the position of The Most Important Member of Congress, now says he will help the GOP block health care reform. I doubt he actually will, in the end, but in the meantime he’ll get plenty of attention
Much ado about nothing?
Senate Democratic aides tell Political Wire that too much is being made of Sen. Joe Lieberman's declaration that he would back a Republican filibuster of health care reform legislation. They think he's just jockeying for influence . . .
Reid: "Joe Lieberman is the least of Harry Reid's problems"
[Tim Noah] Senate majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says that "Joe Lieberman is the least of [my] problems" in passing health reform with a public option. I'm not so sure. . . .
Lieberman: a stunning ingrate (so what else is new?)
Lieberman’s lies,-Trad-Media-Doesnt-Care
What’s next?
Inside baseball: how the sequence of votes will happen in the Senate
There will be several turning points . . .
As noted before, you will see a big fight to frame what a vote for cloture means: the Dems will say, it’s just a vote to give the bill an up-or-down vote and to prevent GOP obstructionism (some will vote for cloture but vote against the bill). The Repubs will say, a vote for cloture is tantamount to a vote for the bill, and they will try to hang the outcome around the neck of any conservative Dem who dares to oppose them. How will the press cover this distinction?
I'd say it's assumed that, if the Dems are going to win this, several of the centrist and conservative Dems will vote no on the bill itself (where they only need 50) but yes on cloture (the key vote where they need 60). . . .
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear today what the GOP has been suggesting for months: moderate Democratic senators fearful that voting for health care reform will cost them their seats (think Blanche Lincoln) can't get away with voting for cloture and against a bill on the floor. . . .
I said this yesterday: the opt-out option is a diabolical trap for the GOP
Will we end up talking about reconciliation again?,-Here-We-Come
The next big fight: climate bill hearings begin
Are we trying to influence the runoff election in Afghanistan?
Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of the Afghan president and a suspected player in the country’s booming illegal opium trade, gets regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency, and has for much of the past eight years, according to current and former American officials. . . .
So, Uh. How Much CIA Money Inadvertently Funds The Taliban? . . .
What we knew . . .
Intel Panel: CIA Misled Lawmakers On Torture, Other Issues
The Repubs love being associated with the Tea Bagger fringe. We should let them
Third straight poll shows that GOP popularity is at an all-time low – but the Wise Men “know” that the Repubs are poised for a big comeback
Bonus item: Bush gives his “motivational” speech: Who cares about being popular? Just so long as God (and Dick Cheney) tell you that you’re right
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Well, gotta hand it to Harry Reid: he stared down the conservaDems and said no to Olympia Snow. The Senate bill has the public option (with an “opt-out” clause – more on that in a moment)
A feel-good moment for the Dems,-Reid,-and-Baucus-Deliver
Did progressive pressure force the issue?
Haw, haw. Now that the Dems are prepared to pass a popular health care reform bill with no GOP support – after months of Republican obstructionism and intransigence – after it has become clear that they’ve got no chance to stop the public option – the GOP perceives a political and public relations meltdown. So NOW they say . . . .
In an op-ed for, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor called for a bipartisan bill -- but one that doesn't include a public option. . . .
The GOP calls Harry Reid “a partisan bully” (ha -- as if)
Counting votes
Weak links on the Democratic side – one down, two to go
Mary Landreiu of Louisiana, a declared public-option foe and one of the most conservative of the Democratic senators, says she's "not right now inclined to support any filibuster," meaning that she would vote the party line on cloture.
[Steve Benen] It seems likely that the two most problematic votes in the Senate Democratic caucus on health care reform will be Sen. Ben Nelson (D) of Nebraska and Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D) of Arkansas. Nelson weighed in yesterday, telling CNN he's not "excited about" the public option with the state opt-out compromise, adding that he's made "no promise" to the leadership on cloture.
Today, Lincoln is also hedging. . . . "Senator Lincoln has not committed her vote to anyone," Niebaum emailed, adding that "she will have to see the legislative language and cost first and will evaluate it based on its impact on Arkansans."
Olympia Snowe doesn’t close the door all the way
[Bloomberg News] HUNT: Even a public option that gives states the option, even that would be a deal-killer for Olympia Snowe?
SNOWE: Well, I wouldn’t say - characterize it as, you know, in such strong terms as deal-breakers, but yes, I’m opposed to it. . . .
Does she matter any more?
On “opting-out.” What governor is going to deny the citizens of a state access to a popular, low-cost health care option? I think this element of the bill is actually a very clever trap for Republican govs
Annals of Republican obstructionism – it isn’t just health care
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) . . .appears to be losing patience with Republican demands to vote on amendments that Democrats consider purely political, and he has moved in the past few weeks to step up efforts to prevent Republicans from offering amendments that he deems extraneous.
“Sen. Reid is going to continue to work with Republicans to move these bills forward but at some point in time, you’ve got to ask the question, ‘Are Republicans serious about moving this country forward?’” said one senior Senate Democratic aide.
[Doug Kendall] It's still early in President Obama's first term, but not too soon to conclude that the president's effort to "put the confirmation wars [for judges] behind us" is not going well. Only three of his 22 lower court nominees have been confirmed so far . . .
It seems clear that Senate Republicans are prepared to take the partisan war over the courts into uncharted territory—delaying up-or-down votes on the Senate floor for even the most qualified and uncontroversial of the president's judicial nominees. . . . [read on]
Not a single appellate judge has gotten a vote yet . . .
A protracted and very partisan Senate skirmish has left hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans without unemployment benefits — an impasse that Democrats leaders are hoping to break this week. . . .
Interesting: Yet another hopeful for the Republican party nomination for President in 2012 is endorsing a third-party conservative AGAINST the Republican party candidate
More proof that the GOP wants to TALK about bipartisanship, but doesn’t actually WANT bipartisanship
[Rep. John Linder (R-Ga.)] The biggest concern I have with the Republican candidate in this race is that her long held positions on unions, taxes and spending incline me to believe that she will give Nancy Pelosi a Republican vote so that these many outrageous grabs for power and control will be called “bipartisan.” I am confident that Doug will not do that.
Yep, in today’s GOP Newt Gingrich is a moderate
In case you’re wondering why they call it “The Village”
Bonus item: Dissensus
[Josh Marshall] Republicans can't seem to decide whether to attack the Census and encourage citizens to boycott it or create RNC mailers that pretend to be Census mailers so people will open them and feel obligated to fill them out. [read on]
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Well, gotta hand it to Harry Reid: he stared down the conservaDems and said no to Olympia Snow. The Senate bill has the public option (with an “opt-out” clause – more on that in a moment)
A feel-good moment for the Dems,-Reid,-and-Baucus-Deliver
Did progressive pressure force the issue?
Haw, haw. Now that the Dems are prepared to pass a popular health care reform bill with no GOP support – after months of Republican obstructionism and intransigence – after it has become clear that they’ve got no chance to stop the public option – the GOP perceives a political and public relations meltdown. So NOW they say . . . .
In an op-ed for, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor called for a bipartisan bill -- but one that doesn't include a public option. . . .
The GOP calls Harry Reid “a partisan bully” (ha -- as if)
Counting votes
Weak links on the Democratic side – one down, two to go
Mary Landreiu of Louisiana, a declared public-option foe and one of the most conservative of the Democratic senators, says she's "not right now inclined to support any filibuster," meaning that she would vote the party line on cloture.
[Steve Benen] It seems likely that the two most problematic votes in the Senate Democratic caucus on health care reform will be Sen. Ben Nelson (D) of Nebraska and Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D) of Arkansas. Nelson weighed in yesterday, telling CNN he's not "excited about" the public option with the state opt-out compromise, adding that he's made "no promise" to the leadership on cloture.
Today, Lincoln is also hedging. . . . "Senator Lincoln has not committed her vote to anyone," Niebaum emailed, adding that "she will have to see the legislative language and cost first and will evaluate it based on its impact on Arkansans."
Olympia Snowe doesn’t close the door all the way
[Bloomberg News] HUNT: Even a public option that gives states the option, even that would be a deal-killer for Olympia Snowe?
SNOWE: Well, I wouldn’t say - characterize it as, you know, in such strong terms as deal-breakers, but yes, I’m opposed to it. . . .
Does she matter any more?
On “opting-out.” What governor is going to deny the citizens of a state access to a popular, low-cost health care option? I think this element of the bill is actually a very clever trap for Republican govs
Annals of Republican obstructionism – it isn’t just health care
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) . . .appears to be losing patience with Republican demands to vote on amendments that Democrats consider purely political, and he has moved in the past few weeks to step up efforts to prevent Republicans from offering amendments that he deems extraneous.
“Sen. Reid is going to continue to work with Republicans to move these bills forward but at some point in time, you’ve got to ask the question, ‘Are Republicans serious about moving this country forward?’” said one senior Senate Democratic aide.
[Doug Kendall] It's still early in President Obama's first term, but not too soon to conclude that the president's effort to "put the confirmation wars [for judges] behind us" is not going well. Only three of his 22 lower court nominees have been confirmed so far . . .
It seems clear that Senate Republicans are prepared to take the partisan war over the courts into uncharted territory—delaying up-or-down votes on the Senate floor for even the most qualified and uncontroversial of the president's judicial nominees. . . . [read on]
Not a single appellate judge has gotten a vote yet . . .
A protracted and very partisan Senate skirmish has left hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans without unemployment benefits — an impasse that Democrats leaders are hoping to break this week. . . .
Interesting: Yet another hopeful for the Republican party nomination for President in 2012 is endorsing a third-party conservative AGAINST the Republican party candidate
More proof that the GOP wants to TALK about bipartisanship, but doesn’t actually WANT bipartisanship
[Rep. John Linder (R-Ga.)] The biggest concern I have with the Republican candidate in this race is that her long held positions on unions, taxes and spending incline me to believe that she will give Nancy Pelosi a Republican vote so that these many outrageous grabs for power and control will be called “bipartisan.” I am confident that Doug will not do that.
Yep, in today’s GOP Newt Gingrich is a moderate
In case you’re wondering why they call it “The Village”
Bonus item: Dissensus
[Josh Marshall] Republicans can't seem to decide whether to attack the Census and encourage citizens to boycott it or create RNC mailers that pretend to be Census mailers so people will open them and feel obligated to fill them out. [read on]
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Monday, October 26, 2009
Appearing on Meet The Press, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that Democrats are approaching 60 votes for a compromise public option: "The liberals, they like it stronger, but they're willing to live with level playing field, opt-out. The more moderate Democrats, there are some who actually like it. As long as it's a level playing field, they're comfortable with it. There are others who say that, 'I'm not sure I like it, but I won't hold up passage of the bill.' I think we're very close to getting the 60 votes we need to move forward, and my guess is that the public option level playing field with the state opt-out will be in the bill. But Leader Reid will make that decision after he talks to everybody several times."
[Josh Marshall] The White House still appears wedded to the belief that the Snowe/trigger path is the surest one to getting a bill to the president's desk (though perhaps there've been some small signs of loosening over the last 48 hours). And they're worried and/or skeptical that Reid's plan, while perhaps better legislation in the abstract, will crash and burn before final passage. Whether that analysis makes sense or not, it's the clearest explanation of all the facts. And a "senior administration official" told Cohn on Sunday that they'll be with Reid "100 percent behind whichever direction [he] decides to go."
Senate Dems to Obama: Um, a Little Help Here?
[Howard Fineman] [T]he pursuit of Snowe is pretty close to obsessive, which is not a good thing either for Democrats or for the prospects of health-care reform worthy of the name. First, Snowe's exaggerated prominence is both the result and symbol of Obama's quixotic and ultimately time--wasting pursuit of "bipartisanship." In case the White House hasn't noticed, Republicans in Congress are engaged in what amounts to a sitdown strike. They don't like anything about Obama or his policies; they have no interest in seeing him succeed. Despite the occasional protestation to the contrary, the GOP has no intention of helping him pass any legislation. Snowe may very well end up voting for whatever she and Democrats craft, but that won't make the outcome bipartisan any more than dancing shoes made Tom DeLay Fred Astaire.
Nor would Snowe's vote mollify the GOP grassroots: they don't think of her as a Republican anyway. . . . [read on]
HuffPost: Obama Wants Bipartisan Reform Cover for Blue Dogs and Conservatives
The GOP, captives of their base
Does anyone seriously believe Sarah Palin has a chance to become President, or is this continuous courting of her just a confluence between her own appetite for celebrity and the party’s cynical desire to keep her supporters mobilized and motivated?
George Will is never wrong
Fox News declares victory in their fight with the WH, say Robt Gibbs apologized to them. Would it shock you to hear that the story isn't true?
Bonus item: News vs. opinion, huh?
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Appearing on Meet The Press, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that Democrats are approaching 60 votes for a compromise public option: "The liberals, they like it stronger, but they're willing to live with level playing field, opt-out. The more moderate Democrats, there are some who actually like it. As long as it's a level playing field, they're comfortable with it. There are others who say that, 'I'm not sure I like it, but I won't hold up passage of the bill.' I think we're very close to getting the 60 votes we need to move forward, and my guess is that the public option level playing field with the state opt-out will be in the bill. But Leader Reid will make that decision after he talks to everybody several times."
[Josh Marshall] The White House still appears wedded to the belief that the Snowe/trigger path is the surest one to getting a bill to the president's desk (though perhaps there've been some small signs of loosening over the last 48 hours). And they're worried and/or skeptical that Reid's plan, while perhaps better legislation in the abstract, will crash and burn before final passage. Whether that analysis makes sense or not, it's the clearest explanation of all the facts. And a "senior administration official" told Cohn on Sunday that they'll be with Reid "100 percent behind whichever direction [he] decides to go."
Senate Dems to Obama: Um, a Little Help Here?
[Howard Fineman] [T]he pursuit of Snowe is pretty close to obsessive, which is not a good thing either for Democrats or for the prospects of health-care reform worthy of the name. First, Snowe's exaggerated prominence is both the result and symbol of Obama's quixotic and ultimately time--wasting pursuit of "bipartisanship." In case the White House hasn't noticed, Republicans in Congress are engaged in what amounts to a sitdown strike. They don't like anything about Obama or his policies; they have no interest in seeing him succeed. Despite the occasional protestation to the contrary, the GOP has no intention of helping him pass any legislation. Snowe may very well end up voting for whatever she and Democrats craft, but that won't make the outcome bipartisan any more than dancing shoes made Tom DeLay Fred Astaire.
Nor would Snowe's vote mollify the GOP grassroots: they don't think of her as a Republican anyway. . . . [read on]
HuffPost: Obama Wants Bipartisan Reform Cover for Blue Dogs and Conservatives
The GOP, captives of their base
Does anyone seriously believe Sarah Palin has a chance to become President, or is this continuous courting of her just a confluence between her own appetite for celebrity and the party’s cynical desire to keep her supporters mobilized and motivated?
George Will is never wrong
Fox News declares victory in their fight with the WH, say Robt Gibbs apologized to them. Would it shock you to hear that the story isn't true?
Bonus item: News vs. opinion, huh?
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Despite their best efforts to unilaterally declare the public option dead, the Villagers are beginning to embrace the new reality, that a public option in some form is inevitable
But, but. . . it costs too much!
Where things go from here
Against triggers
A different kind of trigger:
We know Obama’s popularity has dropped – we know because the Wise Ones keep telling us that it has. But guess what?
Public Policy Polling notes President Obama's approval rating with people who didn't vote for him is 14% and his disapproval rating with people who voted for him is 6%.
"So he's won over twice as many people as he's lost since he got elected. Who in the national media is going to write that story? Not bad for someone whose support is supposedly falling apart."
The Queen of the Village thinks Alan Grayson is just so uncouth . . .
Obama and Nixon huh?
I love it when self-described conservative intellectuals end up trolling the same dark corners of the Republican id as the Tea Baggers and other fringe groups. Who’s caving to whom?
[George Will, on Michele Bachmann] Some of her supposed excesses are, however, not merely defensible, they are admirable. . . .
[Charles Krauthammer] Fox's flagship 6 o'clock evening news out of Washington (hosted by Bret Baier, formerly by Brit Hume) is, to my mind, the best hour of news on television. . .
Glenn Beck, dangerously crazy
Ann Coulter, dangerously creepy
Sunday talk show line-ups – and ANOTHER moment with John McCain
• ABC, This Week: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO).
• CBS, Face The Nation: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI).
• CNN, State Of The Union: Dr. , Afghan presidential candidate; Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA).
• NBC, Meet The Press: Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY.
Bonus item: Dems vs GOPers, in the style of Mac/PC
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Despite their best efforts to unilaterally declare the public option dead, the Villagers are beginning to embrace the new reality, that a public option in some form is inevitable
But, but. . . it costs too much!
Where things go from here
Against triggers
A different kind of trigger:
We know Obama’s popularity has dropped – we know because the Wise Ones keep telling us that it has. But guess what?
Public Policy Polling notes President Obama's approval rating with people who didn't vote for him is 14% and his disapproval rating with people who voted for him is 6%.
"So he's won over twice as many people as he's lost since he got elected. Who in the national media is going to write that story? Not bad for someone whose support is supposedly falling apart."
The Queen of the Village thinks Alan Grayson is just so uncouth . . .
Obama and Nixon huh?
I love it when self-described conservative intellectuals end up trolling the same dark corners of the Republican id as the Tea Baggers and other fringe groups. Who’s caving to whom?
[George Will, on Michele Bachmann] Some of her supposed excesses are, however, not merely defensible, they are admirable. . . .
[Charles Krauthammer] Fox's flagship 6 o'clock evening news out of Washington (hosted by Bret Baier, formerly by Brit Hume) is, to my mind, the best hour of news on television. . .
Glenn Beck, dangerously crazy
Ann Coulter, dangerously creepy
Sunday talk show line-ups – and ANOTHER moment with John McCain
• ABC, This Week: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO).
• CBS, Face The Nation: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI).
• CNN, State Of The Union: Dr. , Afghan presidential candidate; Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA).
• NBC, Meet The Press: Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY.
Bonus item: Dems vs GOPers, in the style of Mac/PC
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Multiple sources tell TPMDC that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is very close to rounding up 60 members in support of a public option with an opt out clause, and are continuing to push skeptical members. But they also say that the White House is pushing back against the idea, in a bid to retain the support of Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME).
"They're skeptical of opt out and are generally deferential to the Snowe strategy that involves the trigger," said one source close to negotiations between the Senate and the White House. . . .
HuffPost: Reid one or two votes shy of opt-out public option
Senate Leadership Also Counting Votes On “Trigger,” And It’s Closest To 60 Votes
White House Denies Report That It Wants To Weaken Public Plan
White House again voices support for public option
[Atrios] The optimistic reading of this is that Obama is willing to trade for Snowe's support for the Senate bill and then push for a better bill in the conference with the House.
The less optimistic reading is obvious.
Pelosi lacks votes for most sweeping public option
Pelosi: House Firm in Backing Public Option
The GOP alternative on health care reform? Restrict malpractice lawsuits
Yeah, Alan, but how do you REALLY feel about him?
During an appearance yesterday on Hardball, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) jokingly suggested that former Vice President Dick Cheney is a vampire. . . .
"Well, my response is -- and by the way, I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes, because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he's talking," said Grayson. . . .
How’s that big Republican comeback going?
CNN, releasing the results of its new poll this afternoon, reports, "The Republican Party's favorable rating among Americans is at lowest level in at least a decade . . .”
Pressed for comment by NBC, President Obama says that Fox News is essentially a TV version of a talk radio station. . . .
Fox claims that their critics confuse their news operation with their opinionators – but when things like this happen, how do we keep them separate?
John Stossel of Fox News will join a conservative activist group for rallies designed to build opposition to health-care reform.
Americans For Prosperity (AFP) has announced that Stossel, a "renowned health care reporter and analyst," will participate in three "Health Care Town Halls," starting next week in Arkansas.
In a press release, AFP says that the events will be designed in part to "discuss the dangers of government-forced health care." . . .
Another fake right-wing hissy fit
[David Kurtz] If you've had Fox News on today, you've seen them cranking up the indignation machine over a supposed new incident between the network and the White House. The claim is that the White House denied Fox the same access other networks had to a press briefing at the Treasury Department yesterday. But we've looked into it, and it turns out that's not what happened. Christina Bellantoni has the details on how a miscommunication over the TV pool feed has Fox playing First Amendment victim.
Oh please oh please oh please oh please: Fox head Roger Ailes pushed to run for President
Caught in a lie, Rush and Fox say . . .
Limbaugh says he doesn't care if thesis quotes are fake, "I know Obama thinks it"
Sean Hannity is dumb – and thinks you are too
[Jed Lewison] Every once in a while, it's worth taking a step back and reminding ourselves that Sean Hannity isn't just a Republican partisan hack, he's also a dumb partisan hack. A very, very dumb hack.
Case in point . . .
Bonus item: Tech-addled GOP spent five times as much for a web site that everyone thought was a joke
More: The man who says he never uses the Internet (even email) now wants to lead regulation to destroy it
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Multiple sources tell TPMDC that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is very close to rounding up 60 members in support of a public option with an opt out clause, and are continuing to push skeptical members. But they also say that the White House is pushing back against the idea, in a bid to retain the support of Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME).
"They're skeptical of opt out and are generally deferential to the Snowe strategy that involves the trigger," said one source close to negotiations between the Senate and the White House. . . .
HuffPost: Reid one or two votes shy of opt-out public option
Senate Leadership Also Counting Votes On “Trigger,” And It’s Closest To 60 Votes
White House Denies Report That It Wants To Weaken Public Plan
White House again voices support for public option
[Atrios] The optimistic reading of this is that Obama is willing to trade for Snowe's support for the Senate bill and then push for a better bill in the conference with the House.
The less optimistic reading is obvious.
Pelosi lacks votes for most sweeping public option
Pelosi: House Firm in Backing Public Option
The GOP alternative on health care reform? Restrict malpractice lawsuits
Yeah, Alan, but how do you REALLY feel about him?
During an appearance yesterday on Hardball, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) jokingly suggested that former Vice President Dick Cheney is a vampire. . . .
"Well, my response is -- and by the way, I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes, because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he's talking," said Grayson. . . .
How’s that big Republican comeback going?
CNN, releasing the results of its new poll this afternoon, reports, "The Republican Party's favorable rating among Americans is at lowest level in at least a decade . . .”
Pressed for comment by NBC, President Obama says that Fox News is essentially a TV version of a talk radio station. . . .
Fox claims that their critics confuse their news operation with their opinionators – but when things like this happen, how do we keep them separate?
John Stossel of Fox News will join a conservative activist group for rallies designed to build opposition to health-care reform.
Americans For Prosperity (AFP) has announced that Stossel, a "renowned health care reporter and analyst," will participate in three "Health Care Town Halls," starting next week in Arkansas.
In a press release, AFP says that the events will be designed in part to "discuss the dangers of government-forced health care." . . .
Another fake right-wing hissy fit
[David Kurtz] If you've had Fox News on today, you've seen them cranking up the indignation machine over a supposed new incident between the network and the White House. The claim is that the White House denied Fox the same access other networks had to a press briefing at the Treasury Department yesterday. But we've looked into it, and it turns out that's not what happened. Christina Bellantoni has the details on how a miscommunication over the TV pool feed has Fox playing First Amendment victim.
Oh please oh please oh please oh please: Fox head Roger Ailes pushed to run for President
Caught in a lie, Rush and Fox say . . .
Limbaugh says he doesn't care if thesis quotes are fake, "I know Obama thinks it"
Sean Hannity is dumb – and thinks you are too
[Jed Lewison] Every once in a while, it's worth taking a step back and reminding ourselves that Sean Hannity isn't just a Republican partisan hack, he's also a dumb partisan hack. A very, very dumb hack.
Case in point . . .
Bonus item: Tech-addled GOP spent five times as much for a web site that everyone thought was a joke
More: The man who says he never uses the Internet (even email) now wants to lead regulation to destroy it
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Friday, October 23, 2009
More smoke signals that an “opt-out” public option will be in the Senate bill. Olympia Snowe says she won’t support it, but maybe, finally, the Dems are realizing that they don’t need her anyway.
By the way, a simple distinction that seems to be beyond most of the press. You hear often that “the Democrats need 60 votes to pass the bill” or “fewer than 60 Dems support a public option.” When the press does this they are serving the Republican cause. You don’t need 60 votes to support a particular plan – all you need is 60 votes to prevent a Republican filibuster, even if some of those people end up voting against the bill itself.
Can Senate Dems hold their team together? I don’t know.
But there does seem to be a growing sense among the Dems that it will be political suicide after all this to fail in passing a final health care reform bill – and to give the GOP a massive crowing victory if they can kill it
[Brian Beutler] For days there was silence. And then this morning and afternoon, the floodgates opened. Senators began saying, on the record, that Democratic leadership was leaning toward putting a public option--with an opt out clause--in the base Senate health care bill. . . .
[Atrios] I can't predict the future but remain (very) cautiously optimistic about the end result of HCR. I was worried for awhile there, when I realized that it seemed that one thing many of our very important senators had forgotten to consider was that people actually have to kind of like this plan, and forcing people to buy shitty insurance would probably not make voters happy. I get the sense (not that I really know) that it's become a bit more of the conversation, and hopefully that'll lead a few more people to understand that pleasing Olympia Snowe and AHIP can't be the only considerations.,-Baucus-Apoplectic
[Max] Baucus "Apoplectic" [read on]
Ben Nelson is depressed . . .
Snowe: I Do Not Support Opt Out Compromise, Would Likely Filibuster Public Option Bill
Let’s be perfectly clear about what’s going on here
Evil Uncle Dick calls Obama a coward
Is Obama a naïf? (thanks to Bill C. for the link)
We seem to be seeing the emergence of a Palin/Bachmann wing of the GOP. How wonderful to see these two Mensa members lined up together
A collection of essays about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, titled Going Rouge, will be released the same day as Palin's own much-awaited book, Going Rogue.
The essays [“Going Rouge”] collected by The Nation senior editors Richard Kim and Betsy Reed and written by Max Blumenthal, Katha Pollitt, Matt Taibbi and several others, will examine "the nightmarish prospect of her continuing to dominate the nation's political scene."
A handful of musicians have joined up with the movement to close Guantanamo, protesting the reported use of loud music to soften up detainees for interrogation. The group includes Trent Reznor, R.E.M., Pearl Jam, David Byrne, Jackson Browne, Rise Against, Rosanne Cash, Billy Bragg, the Roots, Tom Morello, Michelle Branch, Steve Earlie, Rise Against, the Entrance Band, Joe Henry, Rise Against, and T-Bone Burnett.
According to accounts of detainee treatment, loud music was part of the regimen for some prisoners held there, as part of the U.S. government's reverse-engineering of the SERE program, which trains officers how to resist such techniques if captured by enemies. The selection has allegedly included Metallica, Britney Spears, Eminem and Dr. Dre, Bruce Springsteen, the Bee Gees, Nine Inch Nails, and Rage Against the Machine. Music has been used along with flashing lights to disorient prisoners and deteriorate their mental faculties.
"The fact that music I helped create was used in crimes against humanity sickens me-- we need to end torture and close Guantanamo now," said Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello. . . .
Silly science
Testosterone of McCain Voters Dropped Post-Election
[Jed Lewison] It's not the White House War on Fox, stupid. . . . it's actually Fox's War on the White House.
Bonus item: Glenn Beck channels Dwight Schrute – hilarious!
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
More smoke signals that an “opt-out” public option will be in the Senate bill. Olympia Snowe says she won’t support it, but maybe, finally, the Dems are realizing that they don’t need her anyway.
By the way, a simple distinction that seems to be beyond most of the press. You hear often that “the Democrats need 60 votes to pass the bill” or “fewer than 60 Dems support a public option.” When the press does this they are serving the Republican cause. You don’t need 60 votes to support a particular plan – all you need is 60 votes to prevent a Republican filibuster, even if some of those people end up voting against the bill itself.
Can Senate Dems hold their team together? I don’t know.
But there does seem to be a growing sense among the Dems that it will be political suicide after all this to fail in passing a final health care reform bill – and to give the GOP a massive crowing victory if they can kill it
[Brian Beutler] For days there was silence. And then this morning and afternoon, the floodgates opened. Senators began saying, on the record, that Democratic leadership was leaning toward putting a public option--with an opt out clause--in the base Senate health care bill. . . .
[Atrios] I can't predict the future but remain (very) cautiously optimistic about the end result of HCR. I was worried for awhile there, when I realized that it seemed that one thing many of our very important senators had forgotten to consider was that people actually have to kind of like this plan, and forcing people to buy shitty insurance would probably not make voters happy. I get the sense (not that I really know) that it's become a bit more of the conversation, and hopefully that'll lead a few more people to understand that pleasing Olympia Snowe and AHIP can't be the only considerations.,-Baucus-Apoplectic
[Max] Baucus "Apoplectic" [read on]
Ben Nelson is depressed . . .
Snowe: I Do Not Support Opt Out Compromise, Would Likely Filibuster Public Option Bill
Let’s be perfectly clear about what’s going on here
Evil Uncle Dick calls Obama a coward
Is Obama a naïf? (thanks to Bill C. for the link)
We seem to be seeing the emergence of a Palin/Bachmann wing of the GOP. How wonderful to see these two Mensa members lined up together
A collection of essays about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, titled Going Rouge, will be released the same day as Palin's own much-awaited book, Going Rogue.
The essays [“Going Rouge”] collected by The Nation senior editors Richard Kim and Betsy Reed and written by Max Blumenthal, Katha Pollitt, Matt Taibbi and several others, will examine "the nightmarish prospect of her continuing to dominate the nation's political scene."
A handful of musicians have joined up with the movement to close Guantanamo, protesting the reported use of loud music to soften up detainees for interrogation. The group includes Trent Reznor, R.E.M., Pearl Jam, David Byrne, Jackson Browne, Rise Against, Rosanne Cash, Billy Bragg, the Roots, Tom Morello, Michelle Branch, Steve Earlie, Rise Against, the Entrance Band, Joe Henry, Rise Against, and T-Bone Burnett.
According to accounts of detainee treatment, loud music was part of the regimen for some prisoners held there, as part of the U.S. government's reverse-engineering of the SERE program, which trains officers how to resist such techniques if captured by enemies. The selection has allegedly included Metallica, Britney Spears, Eminem and Dr. Dre, Bruce Springsteen, the Bee Gees, Nine Inch Nails, and Rage Against the Machine. Music has been used along with flashing lights to disorient prisoners and deteriorate their mental faculties.
"The fact that music I helped create was used in crimes against humanity sickens me-- we need to end torture and close Guantanamo now," said Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello. . . .
Silly science
Testosterone of McCain Voters Dropped Post-Election
[Jed Lewison] It's not the White House War on Fox, stupid. . . . it's actually Fox's War on the White House.
Bonus item: Glenn Beck channels Dwight Schrute – hilarious!
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The “opt-out” public option option returns again
I’ve said all along that the 60 vote majority of the Dems has been exaggerated, and I predicted at the start that there would never be an instance in which those 60 votes, and only those votes, decided an issue. And we haven’t seen it yet. Imagine what the Repubs would do with a filibuster-proof hammer like that.
Meanwhile, Harry Reid is whining again . . .
[Politics Daily] Senate procedures give Republicans an array of tactical maneuvers that they have used to delay, if not derail, Reid's agenda. . . .
On Wednesday, Reid said the entire Senate agenda was falling prey to the GOP of past and present. . . .
A radical notion
Compromise is a Two-Way Street . . .
After health care reform two more big issues on the horizon – climate change legislation and financial regulation. On the latter:
Wall Street Steps Up Political Donations, Lobbying
[Nate Silver] It's becoming increasingly likely that regulation of the banking and financial sector is liable to be the issue that dominates the first half of 2010. . . .
From a 30,000-foot view, the debate will be between the Volckerists and the Summersists, with the Volckerists arguing that large financial institutions need to be broken up -- probably through something resembling a modern Glass-Steagall Act -- and the Summersists arguing instead for more extensive regulations.
The 'hard', online left will almost certainly take the Volckerist position. In fact, I expect this to be the "public option" of 2010 . . .
[Kevin Drum] I don't understand. Why do I have to choose? These aren't mutually exclusive . . .
Why can’t Congress pass a much-needed extension of unemployment benefits?
The GOP is becoming a regional party,-not-so-much-in-the-rest-of-America
[E.J. Dionne] Is there room in the Republican Party for genuine moderates? Truth to tell, the GOP can't decide. . . . [read on]
Liz Cheney continues her fight for American security and freedom . . .
Liz Cheney: White House Fight With Fox News Is 'Censorship' And 'Abuse of Power'
[Marc Ambinder] Sen. Lamar Alexander weighed in on the Fox News controversy today, accusing the White House of "street brawling" and likening their actions to a modern day "enemies list." Alexander noted that he was a young aide in the Nixon White House who saw the culture of attack and paranoia infect the presidency. All I can say is, "Really?"
Dana Perino: White House Shouldn’t Attack Conservative Critics Because It Will “Burn Bridges”
Yeah, the Bush gang never did anything like that:
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
The “opt-out” public option option returns again
I’ve said all along that the 60 vote majority of the Dems has been exaggerated, and I predicted at the start that there would never be an instance in which those 60 votes, and only those votes, decided an issue. And we haven’t seen it yet. Imagine what the Repubs would do with a filibuster-proof hammer like that.
Meanwhile, Harry Reid is whining again . . .
[Politics Daily] Senate procedures give Republicans an array of tactical maneuvers that they have used to delay, if not derail, Reid's agenda. . . .
On Wednesday, Reid said the entire Senate agenda was falling prey to the GOP of past and present. . . .
A radical notion
Compromise is a Two-Way Street . . .
After health care reform two more big issues on the horizon – climate change legislation and financial regulation. On the latter:
Wall Street Steps Up Political Donations, Lobbying
[Nate Silver] It's becoming increasingly likely that regulation of the banking and financial sector is liable to be the issue that dominates the first half of 2010. . . .
From a 30,000-foot view, the debate will be between the Volckerists and the Summersists, with the Volckerists arguing that large financial institutions need to be broken up -- probably through something resembling a modern Glass-Steagall Act -- and the Summersists arguing instead for more extensive regulations.
The 'hard', online left will almost certainly take the Volckerist position. In fact, I expect this to be the "public option" of 2010 . . .
[Kevin Drum] I don't understand. Why do I have to choose? These aren't mutually exclusive . . .
Why can’t Congress pass a much-needed extension of unemployment benefits?
The GOP is becoming a regional party,-not-so-much-in-the-rest-of-America
[E.J. Dionne] Is there room in the Republican Party for genuine moderates? Truth to tell, the GOP can't decide. . . . [read on]
Liz Cheney continues her fight for American security and freedom . . .
Liz Cheney: White House Fight With Fox News Is 'Censorship' And 'Abuse of Power'
[Marc Ambinder] Sen. Lamar Alexander weighed in on the Fox News controversy today, accusing the White House of "street brawling" and likening their actions to a modern day "enemies list." Alexander noted that he was a young aide in the Nixon White House who saw the culture of attack and paranoia infect the presidency. All I can say is, "Really?"
Dana Perino: White House Shouldn’t Attack Conservative Critics Because It Will “Burn Bridges”
Yeah, the Bush gang never did anything like that:
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Time for Obama to get involved on health care
Hill Aides: More senators would back Public Plan if Obama pushed harder
Top Aide: It's Time For The White House To Take Stand On Public Option
Door Open On The Public Option, President Obama Need Only Walk Through It
Dems Have Been Begging White House For Leadership On Public Option For Weeks Now
Obama Tells Dems They Can Be 'Own Worst Enemies'
Wow, just wow. Former President George W. Bush begins his next career – as a motivational speaker!
The sharks are eating each other in upstate New York: in a congressional race with a conservative and slightly less conservative Republican splitting the vote against a lucky Democrat, the two Republicans are killing each other. This is another legacy of unleashing the Tea Baggers – now anyone who isn’t hard right, even within their party, is a “radical leftist.”
More proof that “moderate Republican” is a vanishing species
The campaign of Doug Hoffman, the Conservative Party’s candidate in New York’s 23rd Congressional District, is clearly enjoying the bar fight between The Weekly Standard and GOP candidate Dede Scozzafava. After seeing that Scozzafava’s campaign released private emails between a spokesman and the Standard’s reporter John McCormick, a Hoffman spokesman called on the troubled Republican candidate to hang it up.
“It’s obvious that with every passing day and with every drop in the polls, Dede Scozzafava is becoming more desperate,” said Hoffman’s senior communications adviser Rob Ryan. “The best thing she can do for her own career and for the Republican Party is to drop out of this race.” . . .
Dede Scozzafava is the Republican Party's candidate in a special election to fill a congressional seat in upstate New York. More than that, she's served -- as a Republican -- in the state Assembly for more than 10 years, and is a member of her party's leadership. But according to conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, Scozzafava is a "radical leftist."
Yes, the special election in New York's 23rd congressional district has gotten a little odd. . . .
The story gets weirder:
There is just no shaking the conventional Beltway wisdom that the Republicans are poised for a big comeback, facts be damned
Despite God-awful polling results, WashPost's Cillizza claims Republicans have had a "good year"
GOP In Same Position In Generic Matchup As In 2008 And 2006
Democrats Crush GOP in Fundraising
Only 39% of Republicans like their own party leader
More proof that there is nothing, nothing Pat Buchanan can say or write that will undermine his pundit status on that “liberal” network, MSNBC
Of course there isn’t any difference between “news” and “opinion” on Fox News. None at all
FOX News caught cropping Dunn quote . . .
Was Beck's anonymous 'Concerned Parent' actually just a blacked-out Chris Wallace?
Bonus item: War is good for you
Proposed Army Program Will Encourage Soldiers to Look On The Bright Side of Combat
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Time for Obama to get involved on health care
Hill Aides: More senators would back Public Plan if Obama pushed harder
Top Aide: It's Time For The White House To Take Stand On Public Option
Door Open On The Public Option, President Obama Need Only Walk Through It
Dems Have Been Begging White House For Leadership On Public Option For Weeks Now
Obama Tells Dems They Can Be 'Own Worst Enemies'
Wow, just wow. Former President George W. Bush begins his next career – as a motivational speaker!
The sharks are eating each other in upstate New York: in a congressional race with a conservative and slightly less conservative Republican splitting the vote against a lucky Democrat, the two Republicans are killing each other. This is another legacy of unleashing the Tea Baggers – now anyone who isn’t hard right, even within their party, is a “radical leftist.”
More proof that “moderate Republican” is a vanishing species
The campaign of Doug Hoffman, the Conservative Party’s candidate in New York’s 23rd Congressional District, is clearly enjoying the bar fight between The Weekly Standard and GOP candidate Dede Scozzafava. After seeing that Scozzafava’s campaign released private emails between a spokesman and the Standard’s reporter John McCormick, a Hoffman spokesman called on the troubled Republican candidate to hang it up.
“It’s obvious that with every passing day and with every drop in the polls, Dede Scozzafava is becoming more desperate,” said Hoffman’s senior communications adviser Rob Ryan. “The best thing she can do for her own career and for the Republican Party is to drop out of this race.” . . .
Dede Scozzafava is the Republican Party's candidate in a special election to fill a congressional seat in upstate New York. More than that, she's served -- as a Republican -- in the state Assembly for more than 10 years, and is a member of her party's leadership. But according to conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, Scozzafava is a "radical leftist."
Yes, the special election in New York's 23rd congressional district has gotten a little odd. . . .
The story gets weirder:
There is just no shaking the conventional Beltway wisdom that the Republicans are poised for a big comeback, facts be damned
Despite God-awful polling results, WashPost's Cillizza claims Republicans have had a "good year"
GOP In Same Position In Generic Matchup As In 2008 And 2006
Democrats Crush GOP in Fundraising
Only 39% of Republicans like their own party leader
More proof that there is nothing, nothing Pat Buchanan can say or write that will undermine his pundit status on that “liberal” network, MSNBC
Of course there isn’t any difference between “news” and “opinion” on Fox News. None at all
FOX News caught cropping Dunn quote . . .
Was Beck's anonymous 'Concerned Parent' actually just a blacked-out Chris Wallace?
Bonus item: War is good for you
Proposed Army Program Will Encourage Soldiers to Look On The Bright Side of Combat
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Item 1: The Village has decided that there can’t be/won’t be a public option in the final health care bill – so why won’t those silly leftist Dems stop talking about it?
Exhibit A, Chris Matthews: “How Will President Obama Lead the Left to Accept No Public Option?”
Fact: there probably WILL be a public option in the final bill
Pelosi Aims to Squeeze Skeptics on Public Option With Cheaper Bill Than Senate
Baucus: The Public Option Is Alive...We're Just Not Sure What Type
With the nation’s insurers having dropped their support for the health reforms moving through Congress, Senate Democrats are taking daring steps to rally the backing of another powerful medical lobby: doctors. . . .
WaPo Poll: Majority Wants Public Option More Than Bipartisanship
[ABC] President Obama's holding the line at an even division in public views on health care reform, boosted by support for two key elements --- a personal mandate and a public option --- and aided by continued weakness in the opposition party. . . .
Meanwhile . . .
"Senate Republicans, acknowledging they lack the votes to block a health care reform bill outright, have implemented a comprehensive political strategy to delay, define and derail," Roll Call reports. . . [read on]
Michael Steele: We Don't Need Comprehensive Health Care Reform
Item 2: The Village has decided that the Dems are in really, really serious electoral trouble
[Dan Balz] "Three forces threaten Democrats in the 2010 elections: populist anger on the right, disaffection in the middle and potential disillusionment on the left." . . . [read on]
Fact: the Republicans are even worse
[Mark Kleiman] One of the two major parties is seriously sucking wind . . . [read on]
Now, you tell me if this looks like a resurgent party movement (the "Contract with America," this ain't)
Conservative fire-starter John Ziegler, the radio host and producer of the pro-Sarah Palin movie “Media Malpractice,” got booted from a panel at this weekend’s Western CPAC after badgering American Conservative Union Chairman David Keene . . .
Facing a primary challenge from the right, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is suddenly attacking President Obama for stimulus spending just six months after backing the stimulus package. . . .
SC GOP Explains That Jim DeMint is Like a Penny-Watching Jew (In a Good Way!)
Vitter Alone In Silence Over Justice Who Refuses To Marry Biracial Couple
[Josh Marshall] It is our somber duty to inform you that four Republican members of Congress appear not have the courage of their own shameless convictions. You'll remember, last week four GOP members of the House -- Reps. Broun, Shadegg, Myrick and Franks -- came forward to announce a conspiracy to infiltrate secret Muslim intern spies on to key committees on Capitol Hill. The four said that in addition to alerting the Justice Department and the IRS they were asking the House Sergeant at Arms to investigate the threat.
We have, of course, been closely monitoring the story. But as of today, none of the four have actually brought the matter to the Sergeant at Arms. The office of Sue Myrick, the apparent leader of the group, told us that she plans to bring the matter to the Sergeant at Arms in the next few days but did not explain the delay.
[NB: You would think, of course, that if this were real concern over a real security threat -- and not just a stupid political stunt -- they would feel a bit more urgency about pressing the investigation.]
[In the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court race] His opponent is Joan Orie Melvin from Pittsburgh who also serves on the Superior Court. Her website tells us that she has been a lifelong Republican. Her faith is the cornerstone of her life. She comes from a family of nine children raised with the principles of God and Country. . . .
In her previous visit to Wilkes-Barre in May she gave a long rambling speech to the local GOP faithful. In that speech she listed as one of her selling points was the upcoming redistricting after the 2010 Census telling the partisan crowd that they needed a Republican on the court to rule in favor of Republicans in any challenges to whatever plan emerges.
PA GOP Runs Ad Replacing 'O' In Obama's Name With Soviet-Style Hammer And Sickle
Are we surprised?
[Josh Marshall] The Secret Service is getting tasked with investigating so many different threats to President Obama's life that it lacks the budget and staff to keep up with them all.
Can we get more attention on this now that it's a fiscal discipline issue? Do you feel reassured?
Terrible, terrible news. . . if true
Peter Bergen: Taliban and al-Qaeda Have Merged
The fact that this is treated as astonishing news tells you so much
[WP] Big financial firms losing power on Capitol Hill . . . [read on]
Theocracy watch
[W]hy are Christians so willing to believe unsubstantiated rumors? And more troubling, why are Christians, who should hold the highest standards of truth-telling, so eager to spread such rumors -- and even downright libels? . . . [read on]
Al Sharpton’s gonna sue Rush Limbaugh – and it looks as if he has a pretty good case
On Fox News’ "opinion vs. news" defense
Bonus item: an interesting thought experiment
[David Frum] Suppose an agent arrived in the offices of Limbaugh/Beck/Hannity/O'Reilly etc. with an offer. "I can guarantee you a deal that will pay you twice as much -- bring you twice as much fame -- and extend your career twice as long -- if you'd say the exact opposite of what you are saying now." Which of them would sign? . . . [read on!]
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
Item 1: The Village has decided that there can’t be/won’t be a public option in the final health care bill – so why won’t those silly leftist Dems stop talking about it?
Exhibit A, Chris Matthews: “How Will President Obama Lead the Left to Accept No Public Option?”
Fact: there probably WILL be a public option in the final bill
Pelosi Aims to Squeeze Skeptics on Public Option With Cheaper Bill Than Senate
Baucus: The Public Option Is Alive...We're Just Not Sure What Type
With the nation’s insurers having dropped their support for the health reforms moving through Congress, Senate Democrats are taking daring steps to rally the backing of another powerful medical lobby: doctors. . . .
WaPo Poll: Majority Wants Public Option More Than Bipartisanship
[ABC] President Obama's holding the line at an even division in public views on health care reform, boosted by support for two key elements --- a personal mandate and a public option --- and aided by continued weakness in the opposition party. . . .
Meanwhile . . .
"Senate Republicans, acknowledging they lack the votes to block a health care reform bill outright, have implemented a comprehensive political strategy to delay, define and derail," Roll Call reports. . . [read on]
Michael Steele: We Don't Need Comprehensive Health Care Reform
Item 2: The Village has decided that the Dems are in really, really serious electoral trouble
[Dan Balz] "Three forces threaten Democrats in the 2010 elections: populist anger on the right, disaffection in the middle and potential disillusionment on the left." . . . [read on]
Fact: the Republicans are even worse
[Mark Kleiman] One of the two major parties is seriously sucking wind . . . [read on]
Now, you tell me if this looks like a resurgent party movement (the "Contract with America," this ain't)
Conservative fire-starter John Ziegler, the radio host and producer of the pro-Sarah Palin movie “Media Malpractice,” got booted from a panel at this weekend’s Western CPAC after badgering American Conservative Union Chairman David Keene . . .
Facing a primary challenge from the right, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is suddenly attacking President Obama for stimulus spending just six months after backing the stimulus package. . . .
SC GOP Explains That Jim DeMint is Like a Penny-Watching Jew (In a Good Way!)
Vitter Alone In Silence Over Justice Who Refuses To Marry Biracial Couple
[Josh Marshall] It is our somber duty to inform you that four Republican members of Congress appear not have the courage of their own shameless convictions. You'll remember, last week four GOP members of the House -- Reps. Broun, Shadegg, Myrick and Franks -- came forward to announce a conspiracy to infiltrate secret Muslim intern spies on to key committees on Capitol Hill. The four said that in addition to alerting the Justice Department and the IRS they were asking the House Sergeant at Arms to investigate the threat.
We have, of course, been closely monitoring the story. But as of today, none of the four have actually brought the matter to the Sergeant at Arms. The office of Sue Myrick, the apparent leader of the group, told us that she plans to bring the matter to the Sergeant at Arms in the next few days but did not explain the delay.
[NB: You would think, of course, that if this were real concern over a real security threat -- and not just a stupid political stunt -- they would feel a bit more urgency about pressing the investigation.]
[In the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court race] His opponent is Joan Orie Melvin from Pittsburgh who also serves on the Superior Court. Her website tells us that she has been a lifelong Republican. Her faith is the cornerstone of her life. She comes from a family of nine children raised with the principles of God and Country. . . .
In her previous visit to Wilkes-Barre in May she gave a long rambling speech to the local GOP faithful. In that speech she listed as one of her selling points was the upcoming redistricting after the 2010 Census telling the partisan crowd that they needed a Republican on the court to rule in favor of Republicans in any challenges to whatever plan emerges.
PA GOP Runs Ad Replacing 'O' In Obama's Name With Soviet-Style Hammer And Sickle
Are we surprised?
[Josh Marshall] The Secret Service is getting tasked with investigating so many different threats to President Obama's life that it lacks the budget and staff to keep up with them all.
Can we get more attention on this now that it's a fiscal discipline issue? Do you feel reassured?
Terrible, terrible news. . . if true
Peter Bergen: Taliban and al-Qaeda Have Merged
The fact that this is treated as astonishing news tells you so much
[WP] Big financial firms losing power on Capitol Hill . . . [read on]
Theocracy watch
[W]hy are Christians so willing to believe unsubstantiated rumors? And more troubling, why are Christians, who should hold the highest standards of truth-telling, so eager to spread such rumors -- and even downright libels? . . . [read on]
Al Sharpton’s gonna sue Rush Limbaugh – and it looks as if he has a pretty good case
On Fox News’ "opinion vs. news" defense
Bonus item: an interesting thought experiment
[David Frum] Suppose an agent arrived in the offices of Limbaugh/Beck/Hannity/O'Reilly etc. with an offer. "I can guarantee you a deal that will pay you twice as much -- bring you twice as much fame -- and extend your career twice as long -- if you'd say the exact opposite of what you are saying now." Which of them would sign? . . . [read on!]
***If you enjoy PBD and support what we are doing, you can help by forwarding a copy of this issue to your friends (using the envelope link below) or by sending them a copy of its URL (
I don't get anything personally out of this project, except the satisfaction of doing it (I don't run ads, etc). The credit really all goes to the people whose material I copy and redistribute. But if I do have a "mission," it is to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can.***
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