The hits just keep on comin’. . .
“No traction”
[AP] [Bush] just can't seem to find traction for his second-term agenda. . .
The Bubble
Friction with Congressional Republicans
Behind the Dubai deal: a web of conspiracy
Why the current “compromise” won’t solve the problem (and isn’t meant to)
How ports actually work
So now we read that both Homeland Security and the Coast Guard raised doubts about the Dubai deal: concerns that were “addressed” and supposedly resolved. Anyone who has watched this gang in action knows exactly how this internal debate and opposition was “addressed” – cosmetic changes and a demand to get on board
In Iraq, the steady slide toward civil war (if we’re not there already)
How the Specter NSA bill, flawed as it is, puts the WH in a very sticky position (another great analysis by Glenn Greenwald)
I can say with confidence that neither this bill nor any modified version of it is going to be even remotely acceptable to the Bush Administration. And, in ways that may (or may not) be intended by Specter, this proposed legislation -- which the Administration is sure to reject -- can achieve the critical goal of highlighting the Administration's true motives in violating FISA. . .
A stunning abuse of power
The Internal Revenue Service recently audited the books of a Texas nonprofit group that was critical of campaign spending by former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) after receiving a request for the audit from one of DeLay's political allies in the House.
The lawmaker, House Ways and Means Committee member Sam Johnson (R-Tex.). . . a member of the subcommittee responsible for oversight of the tax agency, sparked the IRS's interest by telling IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson in a letter dated Aug. 3, 2004, that he had "uncovered some disturbing information" and received complaints of possible tax violations.
Johnson said he was sure the IRS would follow up. "I ask you to report back your findings of each of these investigations directly to me," he told Everson in the letter, according to a copy obtained by The Washington Post. . .
DeLay using campaign funds for legal fees
The Department of Justice is taking an interest. . .
"If those guys won't start policing themselves, we'll do it for them". . .
Follies of War (today’s must-read)
[Barbara Tuchman] To qualify as folly for this inquiry, the policy adopted must meet three criteria: it must have been perceived as counter-productive in its own time, not merely by hindsight. . .
Secondly a feasible alternative course of action must have been available. . .
The purpose of the war was not gain or national defense. . .
In the illusion of omnipotence, American policy-makers took it for granted that on a given aim, especially in Asia, American will could be made to prevail. . .
Wooden-headedness, the "Don't-confuse-me-with-the-facts" habit, is a universal folly never more conspicuous than at upper levels of Washington . . .
Stop the presses! “Poor post-war planning. . ."
[NB: “Poor” as in NONE]
Why does Bush hate our troops? (part #241)
[AP] At least tens of thousands of veterans with non-critical medical issues could suffer delayed or even denied care in coming years to enable President Bush to meet his promise of cutting the deficit in half. . .
Every now and then. . .
The New York Times sued the U.S. Defense Department on Monday demanding that it hand over documents about the National Security Agency's domestic spying program.
The Times wants a list of documents including all internal memos and e-mails about the program of monitoring phone calls without court approval. It also seeks the names of the people or groups identified by it. . .
The decline of White House Briefings
A case in point:
Ooooh, those mean “extremist” bloggers
[Digby] Note to the clueless DC insiders: the blogosphere is only "extreme" to the extent it is extremely impatient with people like you. We believe that your strategy of caution has failed and we are agitating for a more aggressive Democratic politics. After a partisan impeachment, a stolen election in 2000, an illegal war and an unprecedented executive power play we think this is a pretty serious situation. In fact, we see this as political civil war. You apparently think that is "extreme." We think it is common sense.
Perhaps it would be easier for these people to understand if we speak like Republicans and use stupid Civil War analogies to make a point, so here goes:
We believe that the DC establishment is running the war like George McClellan and we think his cautious strategy is losing us the war. It's not because we aren't all on the same side or don't have the same goals. It's that the McClellans of the establishment are temperamentally inhibited at a time when aggression is called for. We believe the party needs to fight like Grant. . .
Bonus item: Bush in love (thanks to AG Rud for the link)
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