Rising gas prices and ongoing bloodshed in Iraq continue to take their toll on President Bush, whose standing with the public has sunk to an all-time low, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll.
George Bush (“He Cares”) makes a big gesture of “cutting his vacation short” (by three days) to start dealing seriously with the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Since he will undoubtedly wring every drop of political symbolism out of this disaster, it is important to remember what he did that helped contribute to the scope of devastation. AmericaBlog is a good place to start: wall-to-wall coverage of his hypocrisy and opportunism. But let’s begin with the photo that should become the “My Pet Goat” of this disaster: goofing with a guitar for a photo op while the suffering and death toll mount
[John] If your aides claim, and I'm sure they will, that you didn't need to come back to DC this past weekend to help coordinate hurricane relief. Why? Because they'll say that you have all of this state-of-the-art communications technology at your Crawford ranch, so being at Crawford is the SAME as being at the White House.
So, if all that's the case, then why is the White House now telling us that you're cutting your vacation short tomorrow to come back to Washington and deal with the hurricane? I thought you were dealing with it just fine while on vacation?
Either you can manage hurricane relief sufficiently while on vacation, and in that case there's no need for you to return to DC tomorrow, or you can't, and in that case where the hell have you been the past 5 days?
Maybe comments like this on CNN snarked him into action
Cafferty: Where's President Bush? Is he still on vacation?
Blitzer: He's cut short his vacation he's coming back to Washington tomorrow.
Cafferty: Oh, that would be a good idea. He was out in San Diego I think at a Naval air station giving a speech on Japan and the war in Iraq today. Based on his approval rating, based on the latest polls, my guess is getting back to work might not be a terrible idea.
Good grief. Why the levees failed
The choppers that were rescuing people were supposed to attempt to sandbag one of the levy breaches. Somewhere along the way, it was never communicated, night has fallen, and within 12-14 hours the entire city will flood. . .
The Army Corps of Engineers is trying to plug the biggest levee break, but—there are conflicting reports—either the first attempt wasn't successful or there was a communications breakdown and authorities haven't tried. The mayor said if the holes aren't patched, the water will keep rising until this morning, at which point they'll be level with Lake Pontchartrain. . .
Live blogging:
Bush’s responsibility
New Orleans had long known it was highly vulnerable to flooding and a direct hit from a hurricane. In fact, the federal government has been working with state and local officials in the region since the late 1960s on major hurricane and flood relief efforts. When flooding from a massive rainstorm in May 1995 killed six people, Congress authorized the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, or SELA.
Over the next 10 years, the Army Corps of Engineers, tasked with carrying out SELA, spent $430 million on shoring up levees and building pumping stations, with $50 million in local aid. But at least $250 million in crucial projects remained, even as hurricane activity in the Atlantic Basin increased dramatically and the levees surrounding New Orleans continued to subside.
Yet after 2003, the flow of federal dollars toward SELA dropped to a trickle. The Corps never tried to hide the fact that the spending pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security -- coming at the same time as federal tax cuts -- was the reason for the strain. At least nine articles in the Times-Picayune from 2004 and 2005 specifically cite the cost of Iraq as a reason for the lack of hurricane- and flood-control dollars.
Newhouse News Service, in an article posted late Tuesday night at The Times-Picayune web site, reported: "No one can say they didn't see it coming....Now in the wake of one of the worst storms ever, serious questions are being asked about the lack of preparation."
[WP] With thousands of their citizen-soldiers away fighting in Iraq, states hit hard by Hurricane Katrina scrambled to muster forces for rescue and security missions yesterday. . .
[NYT] As the levees of Lake Pontchartrain gave way, flooding New Orleans, it seemed pretty clear that in this case, government did not live up to the job. . .
Heart-breaking: now the troops in Iraq have to fret and worry about their families and loved ones back home,1,1730703.story
The racial politics of Katrina
[NYT] People who think of that graceful city and the rest of the Mississippi Delta as tourist destinations must have been reminded, watching the rescue operations, that the real residents of this area are in the main poor and black.
Who's a "looter"?
Right wing pundits joke at Katrina’s expense. (I love Jonah Goldberg’s “apology” – when I made the joke we didn’t know yet what the death toll was – as if making the joke on the verge of a predictable catastrophe is any different)
How to help
In other news. . .
Report that Plame indictments are coming soon
Homeland Security Dept still trying to dismantle the Federal civil service
Under the radar. . .
The Post got ahold of draft federal regulations that would, according to the WP, allow power plants to pollute more. The proposed position is the opposite of the one taken by federal lawyers in a series of current lawsuits originally initiated by the Clinton administration.
Poverty rate climbs for fourth straight year
[Kevin Drum] Question 1: what's the point of a strong economy if it produces higher poverty rates, declining private sector healthcare coverage, and stagnant incomes?
Question 2: Whenever there are any nuggets of good employment news, the explanation from various quarters is either (a) tax cuts or (b) welfare reform. Do these two things also get the credit when there's bad news?
What an ass. After saying we shouldn't play the blame game, Bush blames Clinton, Carter, even Reagan for previous failures that supposedly led to 9-11. Uh, isn’t there one President missing from that sequence?
[WP] Richard A. Clarke, the former head of counterterrorism in the White House under presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, said yesterday that there were twice as many attacks outside Iraq in the three years after the 2001 attacks as in the three preceding years.
You knew this was coming: US still trying to rewrite that “magnificent” constitution in Iraq (as if our continued interference at this stage does anything more than undermine its already-meager legitimacy)
[AP] BAGHDAD, Iraq -- The U.S. ambassador suggested Tuesday there may be further changes to the draft constitution to win Sunni Arab approval, saying he believed a final edited draft had not been presented.
[NB: What a clown show. Not passed, not legal, not credible, and – now we are told – not finished]
Shiite politicians on the drafting committee disagreed vehemently with Khalilzad: "Influential Shiite lawmaker Khaled al-Attiyah, a member of the constitution drafting committee, insisted Tuesday that “no changes are allowed'' to the draft “except for minor edits for the language."
Spinning the pathetic results in Iraq as “victory”
“Bush’s Islamic Republic”
Bolton quickly (and predictably) becoming a bull in the china shop at the UN
Roberts hearings to begin next week and – guess what? – they have suddenly “discovered” some new missing documents,1,1207565.story
Another crooked Republican (ex) governor,0,5344279.story
“Love in Action” – a Christian anti-gay brainwashing technique – sounds like something out of Brave New World (well, I guess that’s what it is)
This post will tell you exactly why we have to continue to fight the American Taliban, the Dominionists, that absolutely unhinged element that is trying to take over our culture and invade every aspect of our lives. Homosexuality isn't destroying the family, it's institutions like the "ex-gay" movement that want to emotionally and psychologically destroy gay people. These are gay people who are still trying to come to grips with their orientation; by crushing them with guilt and hellfire, the ex-gay movement represents the height of immorality.
A 16-year-old boy named Zach in Tennessee recently came out to his parents. It didn't go well. In fact, it resulted in him being sent to one of those "ex-gay" re-education holes. . .
1. All new Refuge clients will be placed into Safekeeping for the initial two to three days of their program. A client on safekeeping may not communicate verbally, or by using hand gestures or eye contact, with any other clients, staff members, or his/her parents or guardians. In case of a practical need, Safekeeping clients may write down their question or request and show it to another client, staff member, or their parent or guardian. Writing may only be used when absolutely necessary. . .
The full LIA manual:
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